Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol (2024)

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Not only does the ubiquitous Casio F-91W offer unbeatable features for next to no money, it’s an enduring cultural icon.

Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol (1)Zen Love

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The brilliant horological innovations of historic watchmakers like Huygens and Breguet. Past generations’ quest for ever greater precision and accuracy. Centuries of mechanical refinements and craftsmanship. Were they all leading to this? A small digital watch that costs less than $20 on Amazon.

Fact is, the Casio F-91W watch is an astoundingly reliable timekeeper, and it outperforms fancy mechanical watches at almost every metric. It is perhaps the ultimate representation of how the proud Swiss mechanical watch industry was undermined and nearly destroyed by mass-produced, plastic-cased, battery-powered quartz watches.

Call it a throwaway watch or a toy, but the accuracy, functionality and durability it offers for such a price deserves some sort of recognition — and it puts the whole rest of the watch industry into sharp perspective.

Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol (3)Amazon

Casio F91W

  • $17 at Amazon

    $23(26% off)

While the F-91W may look like a primitive precursor to the classic, square-cased G-Shock DW-5000C released in 1983 (its legacy alive in today’s 5600), the reverse is true.

Introduced in 1989, the F-91W probably owes some of its design to the G-Shock’s success, but it was likely also influenced by similar technical constraints. The F-91W has remained in continuous production, and today about 3 million units are made annually.

Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol (4)Photo by Zen Love

Mere quantity and affordability, however, don’t fully explain its success: design, functionality and ergonomics also contributed to the F-91W becoming the representative of a “cheap digital watch” and cultural icon. It has been the subject of art, and according to the BBC, cofounder of London’s Design Museum and design critic Stephen Bayley calls it a “modest masterpiece.”

As it so happens, the F-91W is the number-one selling watch on Amazon, and it carries a 4.6 rating across more than 50,000 reviews. Its unpretentious status has been somewhat eroded by hipsters adopting the F-91W (and other cheap, nostalgic Casio watches like the calculator and world time models) as an ironic fashion statement — but even that speaks to the success of its simple design.

Mere quantity and affordability, however, don’t fully explain its success: design, functionality and ergonomics also contributed.

The Casio F-91W has three buttons and a remarkably clever amount of functionality. It takes about four seconds to learn how to use the stopwatch feature that itself has a couple different options — some people have made a game out of trying to stop the counter as close to zero as possible, which is tough, since it measures down to 1/100th of a second. You can quickly toggle between 12- and 24-hour displays, set alarms, and more — all genuinely useful features, and nothing extraneous. Casio’s promised accuracy of +/- 30 seconds per month means about +/- one second of accuracy per day, which almost no luxury mechanical watch can compete with.

Emblazoned across the bottom of the watch’s face is a “WR” logo flanked by “Water Resist.” For the record, this is equivalent to the 30m (3ATM/100ft) water-resistance standard many watches use to indicate that it is not intended for swimming, showering, and the like. Neither can you pound it with a hammer. With reasonable daily use, however, as well as a battery change every seven to ten years, a Casio F-91W can be expected to last a long time. It’s even easy to change the 18mm strap, if necessary or desired.

Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol (5)Zen Love

It is a notably small watch by today’s standards, measuring 37.5mm by 33.5mm by 8.5mm. It weighs just 85 grams, and wears comfortably on the wrist.

If you can appreciate the value it offers, the F-91W is even charming. Hold down the button on the lower right side for three seconds and the LCD screen will read “CASIO” in place of its normal display (originally a way to authenticate the watch against counterfeits).

The Casio F-91W is available anywhere in the world, usually for between $10 and $20. Hell, Amazon even offers same-day shipping. Not bad for a reliable tool watch or culturally significant piece of art.

Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol (6)Amazon

Casio F91W

  • $17 at Amazon

    $23(26% off)

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Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol (2024)


Why This $17 Casio Is the Cheapest Watch Worth Buying | Gear Patrol? ›

Not only does the ubiquitous Casio F-91W

Casio F-91W
The Casio F-91W is a digital watch manufactured by Japanese electronics company Casio. Introduced in June 1989 as a successor of the F-87W, it is popular for its low price and long battery life. Casio F-91W. Casio F-91W-1 watch with a resin case and resin strap.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Casio_F-91W
offer unbeatable features for next to no money, it's an enduring cultural icon. The brilliant horological innovations of historic watchmakers like Huygens and Breguet.

Why are Casio watches so good? ›

Casio watches offer high-quality materials and components in its watches at generally budget-friendly prices. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg to get a quality Casio that will easily last you years to come. One of the things Casio is best known for is creating watches with incredible durability.

Why is CASIO watch so famous? ›

Durability and reliability: Casio watches are known for being built to last, which means they can withstand regular use and are less likely to break down or malfunction. Innovation: Casio watches are known for being innovative and integrating advanced features and capabilities into their products.

What CASIO watch did Osama bin Laden wear? ›

Osama bin Laden was often photographed wearing a Casio F-91W watch. It is believed that he wore the watch because of its functionality and durability.

Why is CASIO F-91W so popular? ›

Lightweight resin case

Casio refers to the case and crystal on the F-91W as resin in their material construction. So … plastic, a very plastic-ky plastic. It makes for an incredibly lightweight timepiece and together with the resin strap, the whole watch clocked in at 20.5g on my scale.

What is the average life of a Casio watch? ›

These are watches with high-capacity batteries that provide long battery life of up to 10 years. Long battery life can be achieved when such a watch is used in accordance with the conditions described under "Battery Life" in the specifications in the watch's User's Guide.

Is a Casio watch a good investment? ›

Considering their unparalleled toughness, accuracy, reliability and practicality, investing in a G-Shock watch guarantees a long-lasting timepiece that will serve you well for years to come.

Is Casio as good as Rolex? ›

Most Casio watches have a very attractive price-quality ratio, i.e. you can get a good product for an affordable price. While Rolex watches usually have a high price not aimed at all the masses, obviously the undisputed quality, they are exclusive watches.

Which Casio watch is worn by the rich? ›

Watches of the Richest People in the World: Bill Gates Watch - Casio Duro Analog MDV106-1AV. During his visit to Harvard, Bill Gates, one of the richest people on the entire planet was spotted wearing the ~$70 Casio Duro Analog MDV106-1AV in stainless steel with a quartz movement and a black dial.

Who wears the Casio watch? ›

What do Ryan Gosling, Kristen Stewart, John Mayer, Barack Obama and Tyler, the Creator have in common? They're all worth in excess of $30 million, they've all adorned the cover of GQ – and they've all been spotted with a $20 Casio watch strapped to their wrist.

What watches do the CIA wear? ›

Breitling and Panerai are also popular with CIA operatives operating in Africa and the Middle East. Both sell reliable and durable watches that have a high exchange value due to their recognizability and status. Another popular watch is the tudor black bay 58.

What Casio watch does Bill Gates wear? ›

The American billionaire is usually spotted wearing the Casio Duro MDV106-1AV 200M Analog Watch. This model is currently listed at US$69.9 on Casio's website.

Does the military use Casio watches? ›

Although CWC still provides some specialist Naval watches, the brand has largely been superseded by more modern Elliot Brown and Casio equipment. Some specialist units even issue Tier 1 brands such as Rolex, Breitling and Tudor.

Why is CASIO F-91W banned in the USA? ›

Usage in terrorism

This improvised timer for a time bomb was captured in the early 2000s. The US government became suspicious of Afghans who wore Casio watches due to their ability to be used as timers for improvised explosive devices, a tactic favored by al-Qaeda.

What is CASIO best known for? ›

In the 1970s and 80s, Casio was best known for its electronic (including scientific) calculators, electronic musical instruments and affordable digital watches incorporating innovative technology. Today, Casio is most commonly known for making durable and reliable electronic products.

What makes Casio watches special? ›

The G-Shock is a line of watches manufactured by the Japanese electronics company Casio, designed to resist mechanical stress, shock and vibration. G-Shock is an abbreviation for Gravitational Shock.

What is the advantage of Casio watch? ›

Advantages of wearing a G-Shock Watch:
  • Stop Watch: As an understudy or as a sportsman, as an athletic or as a mentor, the need of a stopwatch is indefinable throughout everyday life. ...
  • Water Resistance: ...
  • Stun Resistant: ...
  • Cautions: ...
  • Design and Style: ...
  • Tips to consider while purchasing a marked watch on the web:

Is Casio considered luxury? ›

Casio is a well - known and reputable brand in the watch industry , known for producing high quality timepieces at affordable prices . However , despite their reputation for producing durable and reliable watches , Casio is not typically considered a premium or luxury brand in the industry .


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.