The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)

TROOPS STUDY WIIR PRO! IMS TIFFIN WIDOW 8S mmm at tmp July ii-(m- troops ot the 145th Tft- imnttf regiment of Ohio Ks- tlfSfltl OiiaM, kft camp ftt itild- flltht, for Sandu hit fcrnnnAn kt fremont. problems And manfuvers thin Is first of Infantry to firo Into and on tueaday of 148th Infantry rciri- ftient to Fremont to the rieveland troops. The maneuvers win carried on the imagrlhary en to the 8anduSlty-co holdlnifa, the protect. ths Cleveland troops will return ramp, mornlnjr, and oft thnrsday morninit the Toledo Iroojs trill also he back in th quarters. Oen.

Lud- S. Coftelly, Cleveland, trjili COfflmand the troops of the brisrado during the activities. Members of the Division Itaff, frho nre In tralnintf hmc. durlnc the ftianeuvers, at the falritrounds. of the Tort Clinton of Kastern will go to Put-lii Say today to attend the an- fiual of the Kastorn of this district.

Many of tho lodge lcork will g-o to Put-In Bay from Toledo srea. by boat. The local will RO from Catawba by Steamer Krle Isle route school boys were reported as having escaped Injuries yesterday, when the automobile In which they were ridlnjf, ever in a ditch, and wrecked. Satferfleld manager of the Oypsum Cnnnln? here, left for Northport. yesterday a number of men from Wal plant, to prepare for the canning of cherries at the plant, where a large crop Is expected to be packed this year, from the company orchards.

Prohaska, who operates Lakevlew community park, here, reports a record numbor of vieitors tourists In the camp over the week -end. The camping itrounds Ttttm. July 12 (Special) Mri. Mftrgfaret Zcftdcr, S5. Widow of Joseph Zender, Sunday night at the home o'.

her daughter, Mrs. Ella Brooks. A life-long resident of she Is Survived hy thf.Be Sons and rfaughters, Blslngsun; Mrs. Matilda Adelsperger and Mrs. Ella Tiffin; Mrs.

lyury Stono- burn MrCurchenvllle. and Frank Carey; two brothers. Isadore Erford. tiffin, and Henry Rrford, Hamler, and two Mrs. fiu Olllum.

Hamlcr, and Mrs. Lucy Gremllng. C.allon. funeral services will be held Wednesday at 9 a. fn.

In 8t. Church and burial Tiill be In the cemetery. Bid Red RaspbetTies for sale at Scherer's Barn. BURYTTmrWAR VETERAN WEDNESDAY TIFFIN', July 12 (Special) Funeral Fcrvlres for Albert A. Finn, fi2.

xvho died suddenly Monday at his home here, will be held Wednesday at p. m. In the Funeral Home. Military will be conducted hy Tiffin pnst. American and burial will be In Fairmont Cemetery.

His death followed a heart attack. He was a veteran of the World War, having served with 1, 14Sth Infantry, and saw duty on the Mexican border. Surviving are his wife, son, Rnhcrt. an adopted dftughter. Dixie, and two half-brothers.

fSeorge Wilson Hiam and James Syple of Wlllard. COURT NOTES tlFFl.V. July uatlon of the -co Jad reached 17 during the weeft-end with committment of five" priaon- erS. John Crawford, 33, ct wjs arrested by Sheriff Verne Deftts for alleged nTn-Suppoit Posiorlft police commitied 2S, colored, and uila Turner, S2. white, to serve i9 for alleged train j-ldinz.

oth- placed In cells were Raymond Roberts and Kdwln Tipton charged robbery of the Gard. rif.t home. Confirms Sale Rale of property Involved In suit of William J. Hoffert atalnst Ui- tu li. Decker and others wa.s coo- f'rmed today In common court Orders Properly Sale Another sale of property Involved In the partition Suit -)!" loulse E.

Dysinger lUflCh. SllOft 2 Yauthi Hot tet Identified N'ORWALK, follce are eonflnutng fheir efforts to find the Identity of the middle aged W-hose mutilated body V7as found at a. today E. railway about 200 feet off the West -st hrldse. Both feet were severed and th? TlFfi'lX.

July 12 (Special) Raymond 20. of Sycamore. and Edwin T. Jones, 17. of Tiffin, arrested after a of rilda on a country home near here, held In the Senera-co jail tonight Srmeii robbery chartes.

They Slugging and robbing Clifford Gardner. 40, worker. In his home here 2 nnd theft of automobiles here and O. to make their es- rnpe. Sheriff Verne F.

Deats said. lea perl from a Secottd-StOry window and fled when Roberts was arrested but was captured several ho'irs later when he returned to the hide-nut. The youthS also eon- (r'FFrri burslary of the home of Roberts' brother. Earl, June 14, at Pv earn ire. For Elevator President Set FKEMOXT.

for Albert S. pre.sldent-of the Farmers' Elevator Supply Co. at Erhn since It wan organlaed in 1917 ar.n a form- Vieftd was crushed. Patrolman ti rounty commissioner from 19.1-' Fiank Kromer and cnn- nlngham that a man of Mewmati Held Ottifir And Oitert $50 flm July 12- H. C.

of N'orwaik was frund guilty by a jury this afternoon on the charge of exhlhVtiag games of rhance. The jury dellh- lesi, than an hour. Judg-; Clarence Ahl of Bucyrm presided imder special assignment. A Sentence of wa.s imposed. F.arl Miller, one ot snid Newman would Srtot) to 19.1'i who died of complicafions u.

Memorial Hospital e.irly to-lay he In St. Cnthollr at pin h.ill games and hts at the police st.itlon and Wednesday mornlnc. of ebanre and would Cf the SaU'a'ion Army over a rnn- Fr. S. Arnoldl, pastor of th siderable period.

He was of me, will officiate and buria! dium size and walked with .1 cane M1I he in the church lemeipry. The body has been taken TO nne of the most widely.known and Brady's Funeral hom*o f.itmers In this county, Mr. Rin- HAi led a Workers Enifflotis Plafll Finger "prints may be Coroner I-. r). Bradish arrived jtiip F.irm Bureau and aceniy pro- after the discovery of here.

Survlvlne are his I ody. Ho expresses the op nion that Mrs. Theresa Bln- the man waS struck by a train. and sl3t children: Albert, Ed- OeLof Coffee Shop now serving meals, 5(5e, 40c and i-nce F. Dyslnger an ordered today by common ple.n,.- clefS.

court. Sale at not less than t2.200 Chospfi trustee Mark h. was named trustee for the William Arthur i Keller today in suit fiicfj hy Leonard B. Keller and filed an answer contalnins a gcneial denial. 0.

k. Improvement Improvement of a l.G-mile sec of the Seneca-Ifanr-ork-co in fit. Bernards t.atho- between Big Ri rinff here Tuesday was authorised o'clock. The Rev. AMlllam NEW "WASHINGTON NATIVE STRICKEN NEW WASHINGTON.

July 12- Funeral for. i Marg-aret Ann Rauth. .17. a I native of New Washington, will be Married 66 Years FREMONT. and Mrs.

GcorRe Moore, Sr. Fremont, wi'l quietly obst-rve their Cith wedtng anniveirary in their in 1 e.Tsonalilo time. His oth- attorneys were Frank C.iniontet (iiilldliert W. Prosccu- Rex F. P.iiicy, who represent- 'I, the stated the case wiis movement ti estal.iish I iied chiefly to settle the nuestlni r.hether the devices by Newman were cames ol skill or (hance. stated he would not ask for a new trial. home Tuesday. The oldest parried In this county. Mr. Moorejto remodel the at a cost I day by commissioners of the two countle.s.

The road be improved with waterbound mara- with a treated top. Complete Hitch Construction of the Kleckner ditch In Thomp.son-tp was completed today. County Engineer C. H. Mohr announced.

Marriage tJcens -M John Schlcter, 42, clay mixer, Mrs. Clara M. 34, bo'h of Tiffin: David Kuhn. n. ciiik, and Tbelma M.

Hatch. CIXJSB TIFFIN. July 12 (Special) Tiffin voters had their final chance today to register for the election Aue. In. arrordinir to announcement bv the rountv board of mach ne operator, both of Fose ect ons.

Ree strat on was opened i riper at 1 o'clock this afternoon at the board room In the basem*nt of the court hotise and ontlntied until 9 o'clock tonight. are bein? occupied by a large number of trailers which are here for indefinite stays. tcrla. So.tsong will officiate and burial will In the church cemetery. She died in City Hospital following .1 Cne.sarian operation Saturday afternOon.

Surviving are her husband, Howard; three daughters, Mary Jo, Patricia, and an Infant; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George I'lTl of Washington: three brofher.s, Thl ot Sotith Bend. Herman of Saifinaw. and George of New Washington, snd a sl.ster.

Mrs. Bertha Higdon of Cincinnati. Is Rfi and his wife. Both are slill In remarkably good health au'i Jo all of their own work at thoir home. They have five children: A- Gcorjte.

Jr. Fremont: John Cincinnati and Mrs. A. E. Kowalk, rtkn.

N. rnd three grandchildren. All -iiesfs af ft family dinner In th- Dr. Moore borne Sunday to ccle- biate the Irene. Roman.

Bernard and all of Fremont; one brother. W. Blnsack, former clerk of rourts, here and two sis. ters. Mrs.

Aloys Mosser and Mis? Elizabeth also of Fremopt A Demo-rat In politics, he voted commlaslopers, here In 19St NOW GET PERFECT HEAT JViii A Holland Can't Fail A HOLLAND Warm Air must give you complWe satisfaction because it scientifically planned by Holland's own specially trained enfjinecr and installed by Holland's own expert mechanics. What's more. Holland guarantees you ptrjed heat in every room. Easy to own are remarkably low and you virtually make your own terms. Call factory branch below.

C. Water Phs Main Sandusky, Ohio miim FURNACE COMPANY Sfc Wetld't Largtti Imfalltrs ef Hemt Heating and Air Conditioning HETAIN FREMONT, 12 Dr. Fremont, wa.s retalni'd as pre of Townsend dubs in the irith dl.striit and thr- Rev. R. F.

Slyc Bradpcr, was made vice-president by delegates at the district lion here. C. M', Taylor. Tiffn. the only other officer elected became Bccret I.

W. Heflinger, Clyde; Hiirry Oberst, Glb- sonburs and Dr. were eiectrfi members of the di.strict board, the membership of which was inorea.sod from to 15. INJl'RED BOLT TIFFIN. July 12 (Special) Eugene Gravcldinger, 30.

employe of a coal company hero, was knocked from a chair and stunned when lightning struck wiring leading to the office. Graveldinger's pet dog wa.s rolled across the floor by the bolt which burned out electric meters and ignited of fie; CVCLI.ST IS INJIRED TIFFIN, July 12 McCray, 21, Tiffin, riding In a motorcycle race at the Seneca- co fair Grounds, wa.s injured today in a spill from hl.s machine. He suffered a broken collarbone. WANTED: General housemaid. Apply in person.

Mrs. Grierson, 231 46th. INSTALL nOTAUY FrlEMONT, July New officers were Installed at l.incheon of Rotary club In Fremont hotel Monday noon and John Horn, new president appoinl- cu his committees for the year. E. Mead became vice-president and Claud Wisbon, secretary- treasurer.

Plans for a "past president's party," at which 'all heads of the club will be guests were di.scussed and Dr, F. L. Moore was appointed chairman ot arrangements. E. Cartor was a pucst.

SfOt'TS KNTRfl CASiP FREMONT, More than l.i Boy of Troon No. Snt. I-Tnlshla of Goltimbu.s, went to f'amp Miakonda at Sylvanla to remain for a week. Mr. and M.

Durbin Howard Stierwa't. Leon Kole. man and A. A. Chudr.inski were amone the Frcmonter.q who toox the to camp.

They irenneth Orhs, Cyril Fredericks. Theodore Held. "Jack" Helsey, Toril. Vincent Chudzlnski, "Mack" Durbin. Charloa Haaser Robert rark.s.

Durnwald Mulholland. Fred Gabel, Eu- tene Mo.sser, Leonard William K. Dytle and William Stler- v.alt. of althotiRht oitter op- l.rsitioii to the projert afterwards i.efcateri him for re-election for a sfrond term. He beloneed to the FJleles and Moose lodces and several In the ehurch.

Mrs. Chaffee Dies NORWAT.K, July IS Mnry T.onlse Chaffee of Hart- died lh Memorial Hospital at 1 p. today after being a patient there seven months. Funeral services will he conduct- id by the Rev. Mr.

Dickey from Ijalhle and Brady's Funeral hom*o at 2:.10 p. Thursday. WANT ADS BRING RRSff.TS FREMONrr. July 12 Sixty employes tfnfftoHJffillt to work at the t. Manufacturing Co.

here todilr Wk G. Meagley, of the International £l' Workers' I'nion here noimceii late today seek to prevent the reopeninf the plant Tuesday morninjt At the sam'j time. Herman 'O, Fremont police chief H. -co iihertfll discussed the addition of 21 mojj police In the possee ot ii lioliip. deputy sheriffs and speeciftl officers who provided the retumint employes safe conduct through and picket lines this at- may he Stopped at the Freitiont city limits Tuesday and their dc- rupants asked the purpose ot thetf mission, here, aaid.

Flexible File Co. emMoyeS All went back to work Moftday tlftdeif I 'rnis of ft wage and tract, with the t. union week but Henkel -CIIautt Schaaf and Good Co. employSl resiitrird ne with platlt fldals today as the cutietr StflM mtcred the eighth week. Truck Driver Is Hurt In Accident NORWALK.

12 H. Gnrlnir. truck driv-r. Is a patient In Community Hospl- tal nt Wlllard with injuries re- reived when his truck and a ond truck driven by Ray Fisher of, collided. The two vehicles sdicswiped went Into lit'h on thn south side ot the rond, (Jnrinq's truck comiiis: to rest hendcii cast and the other trucir headed west.

Spicer, of fleld, a helper, was with Fisher. Deputy Sheriffs aud well were called to the se-ne. BLRY WO.MAN TODAY TIFFIN, July 12 (Special) Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Shetterly, 84. who died Saturday in the home ot her son, Frank, at Athens.

be held Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the Myers" Funeral Home and burial will be In Greenlawn Cemetery. WANT ADS BRING RESCI.TS RAl.SE LARGE BEKKIE.S NORWALK. July C.

AV. Franks, fruit farmer of near East Norwalk. has raised a crop of unusually large red raspberries that reauire about (S3 to make a i The berries are as, large as medium small strawberries. HURT AS NORWAI.K. July 12 car driven by David Boals ot Saturday collided on Route a.

distance north of Norwald with another car being driven in the same direction Walter Summers ot Akron. A. W. Houghton of Mansfield, riding with Boals. suffered a knee injury.

VLSIT IN COHTMBU.S NORWAl-K. 12-(Special) E. C. Wolfe and daughters, Maxinc and Eleanor, I.ewls Olcott. Mr.

and Mrs. AVilt Rogers and Anne Gebhardt were in Columbus Sunday where Clair Wolfe la convalescing as a patient at White Hospital. Commands Post NORWAI.IC. 12 Ray rjandolt for tho last two years commander of the Legion post here wii.s reelei-ted at a caucus of deleRales ot the county attending the district meeting at Lorain. and Kundav.

George Lawrence of Norwalk. cf.unty soldiers' relief officer, was selected at Lorain to represent the fifth district at the department convention on the rehabilitation. HARRY SCHLOESSER HIES NORWALK. July has been received here ot the death ot Harry E. Schloesser at Chicago.

Funeral services will be held in that city Tuesday afternoon. MARRIAGE LICENSE FRE.MO.NT, July license was i.ssucd In prn- court to Orval W. Green, IS. and Winifred Eby, IS, both Bellevue. RETIRN FORM JAMBOREE FREMONT, July oiitmastera Raymond E.

William Nunamaker and eight Boy Scouts returned to Fremont after 10-days at the National in Washington. D. C. The Fremonters returned to Tiffin In a Bpeclal train via the Penn vanla Lines and finished the Jour- niy in private automobiles. THIEVES AVERE THIR.STY TIFFIN.

July 12 (Special) Thirsty thievca stole five cases ot beer from the Charles Rhodes' restaurant here Monday, accordlns to report to police. They also dipped into the register, taking $1.95 from Jo in charge from one drawer atfd two 110 bills and J5 in nickels from $36 In another drawer. HERE'S WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOXZEMAFOR SUNBURN Don't suffer needlessly by taking chances with untried sunburn products! PLAY use Noxzema because Chief lifeguards nurses Fitst-Aid Hojpitilt at America's bigjgest beaches, such as Atladtic City, Coney Island, Miami Beach, Asburjr Park, ustt Noxzema. Experience with sunburn has taught, them that nothing gives such instant and soothfog relief as this famous mediated cream. Surveys show that hundreds of doctors Noxzema Medicated Cream for sunburn for selves and their families prescribe it, too." They Icnow that cool, soothing Nortema sunburn pain instantly heal scorched det skin quickly.

Treat sunburn as hundreds of doctors do with Noxzema Medicated Cream. Over 10,000,000 cases of sunburn successfultjr. treated with Noxzema! For sure instant results Noxzema. Notice how quickly heat and sorenesiT disappear. And remember, Noxzema is snow-white, itain clothes or bed linen Get' Noxzema at any drug or department store.

And Noxzema is Snow-white, Stain Clothes or Bed Linen The African monitor lizard lays its eggs in ant nests and the ants cover them up. tcfioie Kight Wiflgud shows her record-breaking technique. Notice the foaming "bow-m-ave" pushes up in front sutt liga ef a powerful swimmer. This picture gives you a good Idea of how a champion does the aawl. Lepore's leg drive, pivoted at the hips, is ia perfect rhythm with her vigorous arm The result is smooth, lag from starting gun to finish line, under tension.

As pictured right, even her breathing csust be timed to a split IveQ tfter to SSO-yard race, comes up smiling. In choosiag her cigarette, she pays ptrticultr attention to mildnfss, found I can smoke Camels often as I like, thanks to theit niidoess," she says. 'V' Ltnore Kight champion off champions-with 7 world's and 10 national swimming rooords to hsr crfdit Oimtif cri from flnt MOIil T0i4660i ind Qemvstlc.n tliin iny etht p9puiir (Right) QSMH HER AFT5R.DINNIR CAMELS, LENORE WINGARD SAYS: digestion's smoke is a rule with me. They help me to joy my food, even when I feel tired or tense. Smoking Camels seems to put roe la just the right mood at mealtimes and helps me to have a feeling of being afterward.

Camels set me right!" Because Camels are so made from such costly can smoke them steadily, without jangled nerves. At mealtimes. Camels encourage free flow of digestive fluids-alkaline digestive lend a helping hand to good digestion. M8S we esjoy bewiy msiU" fmk "Swetiog Cwels ft helps ne feel my 4i- NO lET-UP ftQiB 9 to 6. Ida.

Gm, burnt "A guick bite Nervsi dtiWB im wheo wovie is being fitoid. llwssfU Metty wys ibsui tfeii; Tbe? mm iswsli my A RICH, EVEN TAN WITHOUT PAIN, WITHOUT STAIN For I imooth, grtduit lao uie Suoun Oil or new Noxiemi Greucleii Suntm Cream. Both connia $ciea(i6e taeea which filters hirmful rart i comfortable euy tan. Anil Noncma Suntan Cream ii absoluteIr can't Itain clothei or bathing suits! LAKE Tender Yearling Club Steaks For Loaves or Ground Beef ib To Fry or Bred VEALSTEAK Fresh Lean Rib PORK CHOPS Pure PORK SAUSAGE, lb. Finest PEANUT BUTTER, lb.


The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.