Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (2024)

Mark of the Beast: New AgeLuciferian Initiation

The Mark of the Beast is a referenceto the coming “counterfeit baptism” of the New Age.

You cannot buy nor sell, thatis, you cannot get the “microchip” unless you first have been sealedwith this “counterfeit baptism”.

By: Eric Gajewski

Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (1)

What a time we live in where truthhas become lie and lies taught are now passed off as supposed “truths”. Those clinging to Tradition are labeled asheretics and schismatics and those propagating the New Religion are labeled as“Catholics”. Thosewho preserve their fervour and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for thetruth, will suffer injuries and, persecutions as rebels and schismatics; fortheir persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering agreat service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of theearth. But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted, and will save all whotrust in Him. And in order to be like their Head [Jesus Christ], these, theelect, will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for themselveseternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man, they will fear nothing, andthey will prefer to perish [physically] rather than consent to falsehood andperfidy.” St Francis of Assisi Endtime Prophecy

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Indeed, thisis an undeniable sign (truth becoming lies) to show you just how close the formal New Age Religion isto being “cementedconcretely into society under the False Prophet Yeshua benJoseph and New Age Antichrist Maitreya. Vatican II was merely the bridge to getindividuals on to this path.Specifically, I would like to uncover some more on the topic of what iscommonly known as the “mark of the beast”.This is a comprehensive article which should help solidify, that, whenwe are speaking on the subject, it is a reference to the “counterfeit baptism”(second initiation of five) of the New Age Religion. I remind you Blessed Anna Emmerick makes thr distinction between Vatican II New Church and the Apostate New Age Church (new heterodox Church of Rome and Apostate Church of Darkness). Vatican II is just the bridge leading soulsinto this Harlot (Apostate Church of Darkness).The Church is about to go underground and it will seem like She has beenconquered but this is not the case (gates of hell cant prevail/Triumph of TheImmaculate Heart).

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In order to be servers in this “NewWorld” or “New Age” formally one must consent to the actual “formal initiation”that would identify who serves “the new Christ” and Lucifer and who does not. Master Dwaj Khul said throughBailey," when the Great One (Maitreya) appears, he will take the Mysteriesreligion preserved by Freemasonry and make them public." The highestdegree in freemasonry 33 brings one to the illumination realization thatLucifer is actually God the one who brings light” Manly P. Hall says "When the Mason learns that the key tothe warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of livingpower, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies ofLucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he mustprove his ability to properly apply energy." (The Lost Keys ofFreemasonry) Secret initiations havealways been part of the occult but what was once hidden is now open. New Ageleaders have gone public since the 1970’sand have for over 30 years admitted that it is Lucifer, called both the SolarGod and Solar Logos, is whom the New Age actually serves. David Spangler, forinstance, has stated: Christ is the same force as Lucifer... Lucifer preparesman for the experience of Christhood. (He is) the great initiator.... Luciferworks within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age... each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation ... for it is aninvitation into the New Age. (David Spangler reflections on the Christ p.44-45)Clearly the Lucifer of this movement that wants to unite all religions is thebasis of operation for theosophy, Masonry, Rosicrucianism, Bahai and numerousother false philosophies.

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Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Benjamen Creme, David Spangler and manyothers all have said the initiation intothe new age is a Luciferic one, that is one of light and illumination, agnosis (exclusive knowledge). Going through the initiation of light is thecommon thread of the new agers mystical light, which is the ultimate goal ofexperience. Make no mistake, the New AgeReligion, has a five step self-realizationprogram, of which, the second is this “luciferian seal of baptism”. It is highly symbolic to the New AgeLuciferians. “Just as in the gospel account the first initiation is symbolized bythe birth of the babe at Bethlehem, so is the second initiation indicated byJesus' baptism at the river Jordan.”( “Thebaptism at the river Jordan symbolizes the second great initiation, which isbaptism into greater responsibility with higher consciousness. ( speaker at a past Melbourne New Age conference actually identified theMasonic orders as

the hidden hand guiding mankind into the church of Lucifer

:"One of the long-standing goals of the Masonic New World Order seemsfinally within grasp: its one-world church, in the making for over 150 years,is about to become institutionalized as the United Religions Organization - theUR." In The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, BenjaminCrème stated, "Through the Masonic initiation and certain esoteric groupswill come the process of initiation. In this coming age millions of people will take the first and second initiation throughthese transformed and purified institutions."

Yes, they will use the Bible but falselyinterpret it in a completely new sense much like what has transpired sinceVatican II. For the Modernist's often misquote and misinterpret Scripture/Tradition. They say that Scripture is symbolic whichis why the pre-Vatican II Popes warned of Modernism (synthesis of all heresies)because it is a forerunner to the Antichrist himself. We are being "setup" and sadly the majoritystill follow along in false obedience.These initiations are often synonymous with experiences (where have weheard that before? V2 modernists/charismaticsperhaps…) and supposedly will take one to a “higher state of consciousness” often called theChrist consciousness. This is not ourChrist folks but Lucifer wrapped up in a man.So yes there is a “microchip” coming BUT it is a secondary aspect to thisequation. In order to buy and sell in this New World) you must FIRST besealed with this phony “baptism” to even get to that point. The New World Order is first religious beforeanything economical and thus it only makes sense to be “initiated” into thesystem of the Beast before even getting the “chip”.

Another interesting note: Scientist Arthur Clarke, author of 2001 ASpace Odyssey , also 2010 as well as other best-selling science fictionnovels, predicts that consciousness expansion will continuesuper-intelligence and human immortality will be achieved by humanity by theyear 2100. He predicts a wondrous future for mankind, if you remember theending of 2010

when a new sun appeared and “saved the world andpeace prevailed”.

What his movie didn't say was written in his book,

thename of that sun was Lucifer

! WhenPlanet X arrives which the New Age calls Venus another name for Lucifer theywill say

the New Messiah is here

!.When a "second sun” arrives they will say likewise “Lucifer is here!” which is their “christ” not ours. Do you follow? Furthermore, the New Age Leaders, including Masters of theIlluminati, worship the Lord of this World, whose name is Sanat Kumara (AliceBailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p.676, 709, 725; and ElizabethVan Buren, The Secret of the Illuminati, p. 1). Bailey goes on toexplain that Sanat Kumara is the "life and the forming intelligence",presiding over the Council of Shamballa [the Heaven according to New Agedoctrine]. (The New Age Dictionary, p. 172) Further, Sanat Kumara is"the eternal youth from the Plant Venus. Lucifer is known in occultic loreas Venus. Therefore, Sanat Kumara is merely another name for Satan or Lucifer.(Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow).

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Spangler and others are promoting the"Mystery of Iniquity". Luciferis the one who brings the New Age disciple to “wholeness” and unity-with him.He is the initiator who invites mankind into the New Age. To teach Lucifer is agood angel who brings light and revelation is warned of in scripture, for satanand his angels can transform themselves into angels of light (2Cor.11:14-15). This is masonry the eye of illumination when one gets to the 33rddegree they find Lucifer is the true god and the god of the Bible is not.

The actual Initiation. "The decision to release the Shamballaforce during this century into direct contact with the human kingdom is one ofthe final and most compelling acts of preparation for the New Age. TheShamballa force is

destructive and ejective

... inspiring new understandingof The Plan....It is this force ... which will bring about that tremendouscrisis (economic collapse?), theinitiation of the race into the mysteries of the ages."(Alice Bailey the Externalizing the Mysteries pt1 p.171) Guess who theunbelievers are? Bailey's explanation ofa destructive force that brings on a crisis and lead to the Initiation of therace into the "mysteries of the ages" is scriptural. Its called"Mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots and theabominations of the earth." Rev.17.

All who refuse theLuciferic Initiation into the New Age will be judged to be unfit to enter thisself made millennium. They will be cleansed and purified. How? By death.

Benjamin Creme, writes that those who remainadamant in refusing to join in the World Initiation will find themselves in theminority and have to "withdraw” from this life. (Maitreya’s mission,p.128) Either accept the New Age messiah or face the alternative. This doesn’tsound like the love and tolerance we have been hearing.

New Age Antichrist Maitreya's Slogan

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Creme also states "Be not afraid, therefore, when the "men ofcloth" raise their voices against the Great Lord, n

aming Himanti-Christ

and arch-deceiver, for they know little of the laws whichunderlie their faiths and act and speak from ignorance and fear.

They, too,are tested in this fashion

. "(Apr.1997) According to the bible inRev.3 there will come an hour of testing for the whole world in whose side wewill be on. All will have to choose which Christ they will serve and follow ,the new age one or Jesus (and His Catholic Church). TheNew Age is far off you say? DavidSpangler says of the light bearer

. The New Age is here now

and theChrist is functioning within the inner realms of the earth, both in hisascended state from the depths of his past ministry and in his greater state ofAquarian Revelation. (David Spangler Revelation p.144)

New Age mystics past and present have written books proclaiming that theworld is being prepared for a large scale initiation rite or union with"the Christ." Wendy B. Howard (exposer of New Age) attended the"First Religion and Cultural Diversity Conference" in Melbourne,Australia. She reported the attendance of

many religious dignitaries ofglobal reputation

who have succumbed to the Gnostic influence of Matthew Fox.

"At Parliament House in Melbourne, I spoke with two high level priestsof the Anglican church, Archbishop Peter Hollingworth, who is a committeemember of the New World Order’s Commission for the Future, and the Assist.Bishop of Perth, David Murray - both are avid followers of the New Ageex-Dominican Matthew Fox. Fox who teachesthat there was no Fall, no Redemption, and celebrates earth worship, adores'Mother Nature' (just like Antipope Francis), embraces occultism and believesin mass murder by the "shrinking" of the population of the earth!Fox who is a friend of the Luciferian David Spangler who advocates that allpeople on earth should undergo

the Luciferian initiation!"
Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (11)
Those unaware: they plan on removing Christmas
and making Easter year round because
Maitreya will be with us...

And what is the gospel according to David Spangler?
"Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as wemove into a New Age…each of us in some way is brought to that point which Iterm

the Luciferic Initiation, the particular doorway through which theindividual must pass if he is to come fully into the presence of his light andwholenesss.

Lucifer prepares man in all ways for the experience of Christhood…The light that reveals to us the presence of the Christ…comes from Lucifer. Heis the light-giver, he is aptly named the Morning Star because it is his lightthat heralds for man the dawn

of a great consciousness

…He stands…as theGreat Initiator, the one who hands the soul over to the Christ."

Spangler is not alone in his portrayal of the coming "Christ" as adeity of everyone's inner nature. The writings of the Theosophists, a MysteryReligion group have links to the teaching core of New Age teaching. H. P.Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, identified the Maitreya"Christ"-the New Age Messiah-to be the same figure as Hermes (alsoknown as Cush, the father of the Babylonians god Nimrod). Blavatsky traced thelifeline of this false "Christ," showing that the coming New Ageworld ruler is none other than the "serpent" from the garden, Who thebible calls the deceiver but whom they embrace as the knowledge giver. LUCIFERthe same deceiver who offers the same line of Godhood today to those who rejectthe scriptures.

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It was the Devil who taught the doctrine of exaltation to Adam and Eve withthe appeal to be like God. In the day you eat of it you will be like God.Mormons, Theosophists, Masons, new agers, Vatican IIer’s (man centered religion) have tasted the same fruit of the tree andwant you to bite into it. Anti-christ will exalt himself to be God and willteach people to believe the lie. The ultimate deception, evil and blasphemy isto call oneself god. God does not tolerate those who do so. The offer of thenew Christ

will be financial security with the mark as well as spiritualenlightenment

by uniting in mystery Babylon. This will work because itappeals to the fallen sinful state of man. It worked in the garden when thefirst lady and man were pure, how much more will it work today in the state weare in. to offer the ultimate office, God in a package of enlightenment isancient but still current. One mustrecognize their "creatureness" and sinful state to abandon their pursuit of self-exaltationinto Godhood.

To go Gods way is by humility not self esteem

. The road to “selfenlightenment” is a hard climb upwards and once you get there you'll find youreally weren't going up after all,

but down

. It is hard to tell whereyour headed when darkness becomes light, and light is considered darkness. Thatis the great deception.

Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (16)

In order for such a system to come about it has to get really bad. Not only with a global economic implosionfirst starting in the United States but also famines, droughts and shortage offood supply worldwide. People will have to become very desperatein order to go “rushing” to get “initiated” so they can get their “chip” sothey can eat and live. They want chaos so that they can bring in their new order. Do youunderstand NOW why they are already

demonizing/attacking preppers and thosegoing off grid

and becoming self-sufficient? Do you understand why further laws must bemade by the New World Order to tell you what you can do on/or with yourproperty? Regardless, they will come one day and just say your property now belongs to thisOne World Socialist Republic of “sharing”.Talk about a sham! It is completelybased upon control and manipulation and not at all on true love (Lucifer’sfalse light deceiving the masses). “I say, of all this, it is frightening to beholdnew apostles eagerly attempting to do better by a common interchange ofvague idealism and civic virtues. What are they going to produce? What is tocome of this collaboration? A mere verbal and chimerical construction in whichwe shall see, glowing in a jumble, and in seductive confusion, the wordsLiberty, Justice, Fraternity, Love, Equality, and human exultation, all restingupon an ill-understood human dignity. Itwill be a tumultuous agitation, sterile for the end proposed, but which willbenefit the less Utopian exploiters of the people. Yes, we can trulysay that the Sillon, its eyes fixed on a chimera, brings Socialism in itstrain.” Pope St. Pius X

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Period of trial before being “baptized” into the New Religion. Through my research it seems quite evidentthat there must be some sort of trial period before being initiated formally intothe New Religion. “In the esoteric literature it is well established that the secondinitiation can be undergone only after a long and difficult struggle withpersonal desires and emotions, culminating in a large measure of Soul masteryover this 'watery' sphere. In The Masters and the Path, C. W.Leadbeater has an interesting discussion of the three 'fetters' which the firstdegree initiate must 'cast off' before he is prepared for the Baptisminitiation.” (, 33 Degree Freemason and Luciferian, best sums up this "fiery" trial periodbefore the mark of the beast is implemented: "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantageof the differences caused by the "agentur" of the"Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders ofIslamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the MoslemArabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy eachother. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will beconstrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual andeconomical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, andwe shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror willshow clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savageryand of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obligedto defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminatethose destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned withChristianity, whose deistic spiritswill from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal,but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true lightthrough the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, broughtfinally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from thegeneral reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianityand atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

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We know there will be many trials ahead, what I call in my book (theFortress of the Soul), the Great Storm, so it seems fitting, the New Age, willcapitalize on all the chaos, most of which comes straight from their own doing(puppets pulling the strings). Inaddition, as I have previously mentioned, there is a sort of “death to self” incounterfeit fashion of true Christianity which precedes this second initiation.The second phase if you will is what we call the mark of the beast. Furthermore, what is appalling, is that,these New Age Freaks actually label Tradition or fundamental rites (attack on Catholicismprimarily) as “superstition” which must be denied in order to be “Initiated”. “Thethird fetter is described as superstition, or the belief that the rites anddogma of any one religion are necessary for salvation, or that we have to dealwith the so-called 'wrath of an angry God'.” (Ibid)

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The Holy Ghost is behind all religions coming together and saying we are all equal? Not hardly.

Vatican II ecumenism is all about dialogue and coexistence not conversion this is actually condemned by these Modernists. It is heretical

Perverse use of the dovemisinterpreting “peace”. We have seenthis happening since the false heretical Masonic ecumenical program has beenimplemented by John Paul II the Universalist.The dove is

highly symbolic to the New Age

and even more so with thissecond initiation which is what we call the mark of the beast. “Thedove and the voice are two more important symbols given to us in the gospelaccount of the event which we are considering. ''When Jesus was baptized, hewent up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens opened and he sawthe Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him. And lo, a voicefrom heaven, saying, 'This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.'''(Matt. 3:16-17)
From ancient times to modern the dovehas been the pre-eminent symbol of peace. Thus in the observance of the 40thanniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, 1,500 doves were suddenlyreleased, rising rapidly into the air, suggesting the urgent thrust of humanityfor peace. And with the triumph of the second initiation, the heaven-sent doveof peace comes down upon us, bringing serenity to the previously troubledwaters of the astral body.” (Ibid)

Here is an interesting piece from an Orthodox article on the coming “mark ofthe beast”

Excerpt from an Orthodox articletitled (Count Number of the Beast- 666)
Note: The Orthodox are stillschismatic however we are developing a theme of what the early Fathers taught…

Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (23)

Many people think that the seal of theAntichrist will be something like a stamp or brand, or an electronic chipimplanted under the skin. The basis for such thinking lies in the fantasticallyrapid development of science and technology in this direction. Most likely,however, this scientific development is designed to distract mankind'sattention from the real mark of Antichrist, which will have nothing to do withthe advances of science, technology or medicine. At a time when people'ssuspicions and anxieties are fixed upon some innovation of progress-theimplantation of computer chips in humans, for example-the real seal ofAntichrist will be imprinted quietly, without any particular commotion.
In a spiritual sense, this satanicmystery - the imprinting of the mark of Antichrist - will be the antithesis ofthe Christian Mystery of Chrismation, which, we recall, is the placing of theseal of the Holy Spirit, while imitating its external form. Just as in theMystery of Chrismation, the priest anoints the newly-illumined on the foreheadand hands, so, too, in the placing of the mark of Antichrist, his servants maywell anoint people with some kind of "sacred" oil, which willsymbolize the voluntary acceptance of Antichrist and his religion. Theiconographic tradition of the Orthodox Church supports this supposition. In theiconographic sketch, illustrating the pouring out of God's wrath upon thosebearing the mark of the beast - that is, the seal of Antichrist (Rev. 16:1,2) -we see satan wearing a fiery three-horned crown (symbolizing the trinity ofevil); he is signing people on the forehead with the mark of the beast - the sealof Antichrist. Moreover, he is using a brush, dipping into a vial that he isholding in his other hand (The Illuminated Bible, 1914). Why is it that theillustration depicts satan himself placing the mark?
Because it symbolizes his spiritualpresence among those numerous servants of the religion of Antichrist, who willactually place the mark upon the peoples of the earth.
Of course, the sign of Antichrist maybe placed by means other than a brush - by some other "sacred"instrument or simply by the hand of a servant of the universal (Antichrist's)religion. Whatever the actual means, the aim is to induce people to renounceChrist.

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Let us return now to the two groups ofpeople whom we mentioned at the beginning of this article, and see how theywill react to the mark of the beast. It is very likely that both those who areindifferent to the question of accepting the stamp and those who zealouslystudy marks on currency, documents and manufactured goods, endeavoring todetect the mark of Antichrist-both groups will be found outside Christ'sChurch. The first because, even in accepting the mark of Antichrist, they willconsole themselves with the thought that this is merely some innocuous,ecumenical rite. And the second, because even before the placing of the marks(or even before the coming of Antichrist), they will accuse the earthly part ofChrist's Church with having accepted the mark of Antichrist, although in factthis will be simply some credit card or new type of personal document.Furthermore, such zealots "not according to knowledge" will proclaimthat their group alone - which has rejected these "marks" (cards,documents, products with certain symbols, etc.) - is the true Church. Clearly,this will be nothing but a new schism or sect. Already now we find many sadexamples of such splinter groups, and they will only increase in the lasttimes.

The salvific Royal Path consists in,first: not accepting (only) those innovations of civilization that are clearlyconnected with the renunciation of Christ, and, secondly, not participating inany non-Orthodox rituals, for this path leads to Satan's principal ritual - theacceptance of the seal of Antichrist, i.e., the renunciation of Christ, underthe guise of an outwardly innocuous, symbolical act. One must also rememberthat an important sign of the mark of Antichrist is that it will be made uponeveryone throughout the whole world. This allows us to draw two conclusions: 1.whatever registration methods are used by individual governments are not theactual mark of Antichrist (although they may be preparatory), and 2. we must bevery vigilant towards registration methods of a worldwide scale, if they in anyway concern a confession of faith. Such an approach will guard us from fallinginto fatal extremes.

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To some it may appear that keepingoneself from accepting the stamp of the Antichrist will be easy. We should notforget the warning in Scripture that in the last times even many of the chosenwill be deceived, that is, many Orthodox Christians. How is this possible? Itis important to understand that the principal danger lies not in the fact thatthis stamp will be masked and presented in the form of some technologicalinnovation, but rather in the fact that modern, "civilized" man willbe ashamed, he will be embarrassed not to accept it. This will be the greatesttemptation to overcome-and many will not. Just listen to the logic: "Whydo you refuse to take part in this measure that involves all of humanity, thatis being instituted worldwide? After all, it symbolizes unity and the brotherlylove of all peoples. It is a symbol of our unity under the aegis of a lawfulglobal authority that has been given to all men from above. Are you againstpeace and order? Do you want a reign of chaos and enmity? If you are people ofgood will, you must take part in these cultural enactments that concern allmankind." Of course, it will turn out that one such "innocent"enactment will be, in fact, the rite of bowing down before the God-hatingAntichrist. Only a discerning vigilance, illumined by the grace of God, will beable to preserve us from such subtle deception of the last times. What will bethe consequences of accepting the mark of Antichrist? They will be trulyhorrific, destroying human souls. The fruit of denying God is always dreadful,for life without God is death.

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Will one be able to repent afterhaving accepted the mark of the beast? On the one hand, there is little hopethat a person who does not have enough faith and spiritual strength to refusethe mark will be able to repudiate it once he has voluntarily accepted it. Onthe other hand, our attitude towards the mark of the beast must be free of allunorthodox fatalism and fetishism, for no seal or mark, in and of itself, canhave any power over a man. The powers of evil behind this mark have power onlyover those who personally submit to them, who deny Christ. According to theOrthodox teaching, the power of Christian repentance is stronger than the powerof evil. The history of the Church knows numerous examples of people whoaccepted the spiritual seal of satan himself, people who signed a pact with thedevil, voluntarily entrusting their souls to him. And here we have a testimonyof God's love for mankind: even some of these apostates repented and becamesaints. The Lord, by His authority, annulled their pact with satan. We haveonly to recall the life of Saint Cyprian, a formidable satanist who became asaint after repenting and turning to Christ.

The Orthodox Church teaches that,up to the time of his physical death, each person, by God's mercy, has thepossibility to repent. Therefore, we would deny God's mercy were we to say thatpeople who accept the mark of Antichrist will have no further possibility ofrepentance. While they are still alive, this possibility will be available tothem. Desiring their repentance, the Lord will send down upon them dreadfulpestilences, as final, decisive measures for their spiritual restoration. (cf.Saint Andrew of Caesarea, Commentary on the Apocalypse) But, alas, Sacred Scriptureclearly states that those who consciously accept the mark of Antichrist will nolonger have any desire to repent. They will bite their tongues from pain, buteven so they will not cease blaspheming God and they will not repent of theirdeeds (Rev. 16:10-11). If, among those who bow down before the beast, thereshould be some isolated cases of repentance, this conversion and repentance canbe regarded only as a miracle of God. The conscious acceptance of thesoul-destroying stamp under the assumption that one can later repent is aterrible and unforgivable sin in the eyes of God. Therefore, while there is yettime, let us prepare ourselves for the coming trials. Such preparation consistsin fulfilling all the soul-saving precepts and ordinances of our Mother, theOrthodox Church. While we still have the opportunity and spiritual strength,let us tirelessly entreat the Merciful God with the words of the Lord's Prayer,as the Saviour intentionally ordained: "Our Father ... lead us not intotemptation but deliver us from the evil one."

Why do Donald Trump, Antipope Francis and Benjamin Creme all repeatedly make this Occultic handsign?

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Additional Catholic texts on the Antichrist and themark of the Beast:

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“The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and itsdestruction by Antichrist may be thoughts very new to many Catholics, that Ithink it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. FirstMalvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera,Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatizefrom the Faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancientpaganism. ...Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness,and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible; hidden incatacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall beswept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimonyof the Fathers of the early Church.”- Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, ThePresent Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: Burns and Lambert, pp. 88-90)

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To those who would put forth theargument that the Catholic Church is the “Roman Catholic Church” and thatCatholicism is inseparable from Rome, I refer them to an allocution given byPope Pius XII in 1949:

“If there should ever come a day – We say this as a matterof pure hypothesis – when the physical reality of Rome were to crumble; if everthis Vatican Basilica, the symbol of the one, invincible, and victoriousCatholic Church, were to bury beneath its ruins the historical treasures andthe sacred tombs it enshrines, even then the Church would not, by that fact, beoverthrown or undermined; the promise of Christ to Peter would always remaintrue, the Papacy would continue unchanged, as well as the one, indestructibleChurch founded on the Pope alive at that time.”

“Thus it is: Rome the Eternal in the supernatural and Christiansense, is superior to the Rome of history. Her supernatural and eternal truthare superior to and independent of the historic City.”

"Antichrist will be born of Jewish parents, of the tribe of Dan, buthis mother will not be a virgin, as many believe. As the Holy Ghost came intothe heart of Mary, so will the devil enter into the mother of Antichrist, andhis diabolical power will always support him. Babylon will be his birthplace,but he will be reared and instructed in Bethsaida and Corozain. After hiseducation at the hands of malignant spirits he will go to Jerusalem and placehis seat in the Temple which he will have restored. He will submit to the riteof circumcision, claiming that he is the Son of the Omnipotent God. His firstconverts will be kings and princes. His influence will extend from sea to sea,largely through force and persuasive eloquence. He will perform many signs andgreat miracles. Those who believe in himwill be marked on the forehead with a sign. For three and a half years hewill hold sway and, at the end of that period, he will put to death Henoch andElias, who will have previously opposed him by preaching the true faith.Shortly afterwards, Christ will appear, and Antichrist will be killed byMichael the Archangel." (Adso the Monk, 10th Century)

"This impious man ... will give orders that he himself shall beworshipped as God. For he will say he is Christ, though he will be His enemy.That he may be believed he will receive the power of doing wonders, so thatfire may descend from heaven, the sun retire from its course and the imagewhich he shall have set up may speak. And by such prodigies he shall enticemany to worship him, and to receive hissign on their hands or foreheads. And he who shall not worship him andreceive his sign will die with refined tortures. Thus he will destroy nearlytwo parts, the third will flee into desolate solitudes. But he, frantic andraging with implacable anger, will lead an army and besiege the mountains towhich the righteous shall have fled. And when they shall see themselvesbesieged, they will implore the help of God with a loud voices and God shallhear them, and shall send to them a Deliverer ..." (Lactantius)

"Antichrist will exceed in malice, perversity, lust, wickedness,impiety, and ruthlessness and barbarity all men that have ever disgraced humannature. Hence St. Paul emphatically calls him `the man of sin the son ofperdition, the wicked one, whose birth and coming is through the operation ofSatan, in all manner of seduction and iniquity.' (2 Thess., 2). Through hisgreat power, deceit and malice he shall succeed in decoying or forcing to hisworship two thirds of mankind; the remaining third part of men will continuetrue to the faith and worship of Jesus Christ most steadfastly. But in hissatanic rage and fury, Antichrist will persecute these brave and devoutChristians during three years and a half, and torture them with such anextremity of barbarity, with all the old and newly invented instruments ofpain, as to exceed all past persecutors of the Church combined. He will oblige all his followers to bearimpressed upon their foreheads or right hands the mark of the Beast and willstarve to death all those who refuse to receive it." (St. Cyril ofJerusalem)

Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (32)

"And the churches, too will wail with a mighty lamentation, becauseneither oblation nor incense is attended to, nor a service acceptable to God;but the sanctuaries of the churches will become like a garden-watcher's hut,and the Holy Body and Blood of Christ will not be shown in those days. Thepublic service of God shall be extinguished, psalmody shall cease, the readingof Scripture shall not be heard; but for men there shall be darkness andlamentation on lamentation, and woe on woe. At that time silver and gold shall becast out in the streets, and none shall gather them; but all things shall beheld an offence. For all shall be eager to escape and to hide and they shallnot be able anywhere to find shelter from the woes of the Enemy; but as they carry his mark about them,they shall be readily recognised and declared to be his. There shall befear outside, and trembling inside both by night and by day. In the streets andin the houses there the dead shall lie; in the streets and in the houses thereshall hunger and thirst be; in the streets there shall be tumults, and in thehouses lamentations. And beauty of countenance shall be withered, for theirforms shall be like those of the dead; and the beauty of women shall fade, andthe desire of all men shall vanish. But in spite of all this, not even thenwill the merciful and benignant God leave the race of men without some comfort;He will shorten even those days to the period of three years and a half, and Hewill curtail those times on account of the remnant of those who hide in themountains and caves, that the phalanx of all those saints fail not utterly. Butthese days shall run their course rapidly; and the kingdom of the Deceiver andAntichrist shall be promptly removed. And then, finally, in the twinkling of aneye shall the fashion of this world pass away, and the power of men shall bebrought to naught, and all visible things shall be destroyed." (St.Hippolytus)

"Henoch and Elias are beinginstructed by God in a mysterious manner in paradise. God shows them the worksof men as though they could see these with natural eyes. The two men aretherefore, much wiser than all wise men put together. The same force whichremoved Henoch and Elias from the earth will bring them back in a storm wind atthe time when the Antichrist will spread his false doctrine. As long as theywill dwell amongst men they will always be refreshed after 4O days. They havethe mission from God to resist the Antichrist and lead the erring back to theroad of salvation. Both men, distinguished by age and stature, will speak tomen: `This accursed one is sent by the devil in order to lead men into error.We have been preserved by God at a secreted place, where we did not experiencethe suffering of men. We are now sent by God in order to oppose the heresy ofthis destroyer. Look, if we resemble you in stature and age.' And because thetestimony of both shall agree they will be believed. All will follow these twoaged men and renounce heresy. They will visit all cities and towns wherepreviously the Antichrist had sown his heresy, and through the power of theHoly Ghost will work genuine miracles. All the people will be greatlyastonished at them. Henoch and Elias will confuse the followers of Satan withthunder strokes, and destroy them and fortify the Christians in faith.Therefore, the Christians will hurry to martyrdom, which the son of evil willprepare for them like to a banquet, so that the murderers will grow tired ofcounting the dead on account of their great numbers; for their blood will run likerivers.

Henoch and Elias have been taughtmuch wisdom and knowledge in Paradise while awaiting their return to earth. Godwill instruct them every forty days while they are on earth. They will receiveexceptional graces and powers from God to use against Antichrist.

When the fear of God has beendisregarded everywhere, violent and furious wars will take place. A multitudeof people will be slaughtered and many cities will be transformed into heaps ofrubbish.

The Son of Corruption and Ruin willappear and reign for only a short time, towards the end of the days of theworld's duration; the period which corresponds to the moment when the sun hasdisappeared beyond the horizon; that is to say he shall come at the last daysof the world. He will not be Satan himself, but a human being equalling andresembling him in atrocious hideousness. His mother, a depraved woman possessedby the devil, will live as a prostitute in the desert. She will declare thatshe is ignorant as to the identity of his father, and will maintain that herson was presented to her by God in a supernatural manner, as was the Child ofthe Blessed Virgin. She will then be venerated as a saint by deceived people.

Antichrist will come from a landthat lies between two seas, and will practise his tyranny in the East. After his birth false teachers and doctrineswill appear, followed by wars, famines, and pestilence.

His mother will seldom let any onesee him, and yet by magic art, she will manage to gain the love of the peoplefor him. He will be raised at different secret places and will be kept inseclusion until full grown. When he has grown to full manhood he will publiclyannounce a hostile doctrine on religion. He will lure and attract the people tohimself by granting them complete exemption from the observance of all divineand ecclesiastical commandments, by forgiving them their sins and requiring ofthem only their belief in his divinity. He will spurn and reject baptism andthe gospel. He will open his mouth to preach contradiction. He will say, `Jesusof Nazareth is not the son of God, only a deceiver who gave himself out as God;and the Church instituted by him is only superstition'. The true Christ hascome in his person. He will say, `I am the Saviour of the world'. Especiallywill he try to convince the Jews that he is the Messiah sent by God, and theJews will accept him as such. His doctrine of faith will be taken from theJewish religion and seemingly will not differ much from the fundamentaldoctrine of Christianity, for he will teach that there is one God who createdthe world, who is omniscient and knows the thoughts of man and is just, whor*wards the obeyers of his commands and the trespassers he chastises, whoraises all from the dead in due time. This God has spoken through Moses and theProphets, therefore the precepts of the Mosaic laws are to be kept, especiallycircumcision and keeping the Sabbath, yet by his moral laws he will try toreverse all order on earth. Therefore he is called in Holy Writ the `LawlessOne'. He will think that he can change time and laws. He will discard all laws,morals and religious principles, to draw the world to himself. He will grantentire freedom from the commandments of God and the Church and permit everyoneto live as his passions dictate. By doing so he hopes to be acknowledged by thepeople as deliverer from the yoke, and as the cause of prosperity in the world.Religion he will endeavour to makeconvenient. He will say that you need not fast and embitter your life byrenunciation, as the people of former times did when they had no sense of God'sgoodness. It will suffice to love God. He will let the people feast totheir heart's content so that they will pity the unfortunate people of formercenturies. He will preach free love andtear asunder family ties. He will scorn everything holy, and he willridicule all graces of the Church with devilish mockery. He will condemn humility and foster proud and gruesome dogmas. Hewill tear down that which God has taught in the Old and New Testament andmaintain sin and vice are not sin and vice. Briefly he will declare the road toHell is the way to Heaven.

When the great ruler (the GreatMonarch who is to rule Europe after the collapse of Communism) exterminates theTurks almost entirely, one of the remaining Mohammadans will be converted,become a priest bishop and cardinal, and when the new pope is elected(immediately before Antichrist) this cardinal will kill the pope before he iscrowned, through jealousy, wishing to be pope himself; then when the othercardinals elect the next pope this cardinal will proclaim himself Anti-pope,and two-thirds of the Christians will go with him. He, as well as Anti-christ,are descendants of the tribe of Dan.

The mark (of Antichrist) will be a hellish symbol of Baptism,because thereby a person will be stamped as an adherent of Antichrist and alsoof the Devil in that he thereby gives himself over to the influence of Satan.Whoever will not have this mark of Antichrist can neither buy nor sell anythingand will be beheaded.

He will win over to himself therulers, the mighty and the wealthy, will bring about the destruction of thosewho do not accept his faith and, finally, will subjugate the entire earth.

The streets of Jerusalem, will thenshine in the brightest gold with the blood of Christians which will flow likewater. Simultaneously Antichrist will try to increase his wonders. Hisexecutioners will work such miracles when they torment the Christians that thepeople will think Antichrist is the true God. The executioners will not permitthe Christians to win the martyrs' crown easily for they will endeavour toprolong their pain until they renounce their faith. Yet some will receive aspecial grace from God to die during the torments.

Antichrist will make the earth move,level mountains, dry up rivers, produce thunder and lightning and hail, removethe leaves from the trees and return them again to the trees, make men sick andcure them, exorcise devils, raise the dead to life. He will appear to becrucified and rise from the dead. All in all, Christians will be astounded andin grievous doubts while the followers of Antichrist will be confirmed in theirfalse faith.

Finally, when he shall haveconverted all his plans into action, he will gather his worshippers about himand tell them that he will presently ascend toward Heaven. However, at themoment of the ascension a bolt of lightning will overwhelm and annihilate him.The planned ascent into heaven will have been prepared by the artful employmentof ingenious devices, and the moment at which the event was to have takenplace, leading to his destruction, will produce a cloud that will spread anunbearable odour. Through this many people will again come to their senses andto understanding.

Then the people should prepare forthe last judgment, the day of which is indeed veiled in secrecy and obscurity,but not far distant." (St. Hildegard)

Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (33)

The New Age/Maitreya claim they are behind Medjugorje and alot of the "weeping Madonna's" these days!

Our Lady of LaSalette- “In every place there will be extraordinary prodigies, because the true Faith has been extinguished.”

"The greatest opposition toAntichrist will come from the preaching of Henoch and Elias whom he willdestroy after 1260 days. They will rise again after three and one half days.The first fifteen days will be a reign of terror. At the age of thirty-two andone-half years he will be slain on Mt. Olivet, probably by St. Michael. Thejubilation of his followers will be suddenly cut short by a general slaughter.Forty-five days for repentance will intervene before the Last Judgment.

After the destruction of Rome, Antichrist will appear and exalt himself above pagandeities and the Trinity. His name signifies one who is against Christ.Begotten, of a sinful man and of a woman into whom the devil has entered,Antichrist will be born of the tribe of Dan in the city of Corozain. The goodangel assigned to him at his birth will be obliged to leave him as witches,necromancers and other disreputable characters take charge of his education inBethsaida. Coming to Jerusalem, he will proclaim himself Christ and at firstfeign to be holy. He will succeed through false preaching, miracles, gifts,terror, aided throughout by the devil. An evil spirit will come out of the airand descend upon his followers. He shall feign a resurrection from the dead,cause rain to fall, stone images to speak, and perform other wonders, allthrough the power of the devil. The recalling of the dead to life will be onlyapparent; devils entering the dead bodies will cause the illusion. Antichristwill be the greatest tyrant of all time. Hisadherents will be marked with his sign. Devils shall be let loose fromhell. The Jews will welcome him."(Richard Rolle of Hampole)

Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (34) Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (35) Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (36) Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (37)

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Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.