(2) 2 ~ Friday, February 5, 2021. VIEWPOINTS & OPINIONS Wait A Minute: Passing Parade: Capra could cast Have you Jimmy Stewart as Trump reached maturity?. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. Maturity is not an age… it's a destination. Being mature is not just becoming a certain age (18, 25, 30, etc.), it is a state of being – it is a journey. Maturity refers to that time when a person has experienced life long enough to not only make adult decisions but become responsible for those choices. As youngsters, we often heard the phrases, "Grow up!" or "Act your age, not your shoe size.", to serve as reminders for us to Bob Bezick stop acting like children, Guest Columnist and become more responsible. Does maturity come with time? Most say yes, but for some, that time never seems to arrive. The maturity question is best answered by none other than Ann Landers, in her famous column, "Ask Ann Landers." I found this response to give the best explanation without giving an exact timeframe. "Signs of Maturity" by Ann Landers, a column response from the 1960's: (reposted in the Toronto Star, Saturday, November 15, 1997. Maturity is the ability to control anger and settle differences without violence. Maturity is patience. It is the willingness to pass up immediate pleasure in favor of a longterm gain. Maturity is perseverance, the ability to sweat out a project or situation, in spite of heavy opposition and discouraging setbacks. Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness and frustration, discomfort and defeat, without complaint or collapse. Maturity is being big enough to say, "I was wrong." And, when right the mature person need not experience the satisfaction of saying, "I told you so." Maturity is the ability to make a decision and stand by it. The immature spend their lives exploring endless possibilities and then do nothing. Maturity means dependability, keeping one's word and coming through in a crisis. The immature are masters of the alibi. They are confused and conflicted. Their lives are a maze of broken promises, former friends, unfinished business and good intentions that somehow never materialize. Maturity is the art of living in peace with what we cannot change, the courage to change what should be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference. Now, with all of these guidelines to serve as our checkoff list, can you be deemed mature? I think most will admit, we have room for improvement. So, let's be good role models and improve on our quest to become full grown, emotionally mature adults. Yes, we can become better. Maturity is the reward we can pass on to the generations that follow. Keep in mind, old age is not a guarantee for reaching maturity, and reaching maturity does not mean giving up on being young at heart. So, keep playing and remember to work and play smarter- not harder. Use the wisdom we have accumulated through years and/or experiences and make a difference.. Nelson A. Pryor Guest Columnist. "So you took the bait, and now you’re in the fight of your life!" Gregg Opelka, writing the above captioned article, in the October 18, 2019, Wall Street Journal 13a, explains how Donald J. Trump walked into it. Senator Kamala Harris first noticed the Stewart-Trump analogy. On Trump, she said: "He reminds me of the guy in the 'Wizard of Oz,' When you pull back the curtain, it's a really small dude." Trump's Washington caper is easily explained by the title character in another 1939 classic, Frank Capra's smart political satire, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Obvious Differences Capra's Jefferson Smith, played by a young James Stewart, is a bumbling but well intentioned, innocent. One who is patriotic, but seen by handlers he didn't know he had, as a useful but malleable rube. An innocent, but unfocused idealistic tool, easily entertained and just as easily dismissed. But President Trump was nobody's stooge, a reputed wheeler-dealer, with an added blustery New York side. Similarities Both Jefferson Smith and Donald Trump went to Washington with no previous experience. When Mr. Smith uncovers graft on the part of his hero senior senator from his state, Smith is thrown to the wolves. The news media tears him apart. His constituents are misinformed as to what is going on. Shining a lantern on political corruption, no one hears him. Then, Mr. Smith is himself accused of corrupt dealing -sound familiar?- by critics who say Mr. Smith's legislation to start a boys' camp will line the senator's own pockets. The allegation is false, but that doesn't stop a throng of senators from hastily calling for Mr. Smith's expulsion from the Senate. Nancy Pelosi may want to view that 80-year-old film again to see how well that worked out.. From the sunny side:. There have been many nights where I stared into the darkness of my room, trying fruitlessly to fall asleep. Unfortunately, there's nothing entertaining keeping me awake – just my mind and my thoughts on an endless loop. I don't get the entertainment of watching what had previously been a pile of laundry on a chair turn into a monster when the lights go out. Instead, I end up in this zone, where I'm not asleep but not necessarily conscious of my surroundings either. With that being said, I went into this zone just the other night, and my eyes fell on a Alyssa Ridenour tiny seashell that my niece had given me years ago, and Columnist for some reason, I had kept. I imagined the seashell in the ocean – drifting through the waves as the waters tossed it around effortlessly. The shell is so tiny, and the ocean is so vast. That was when I came upon a realization. This itty bitty shell, drifting through the massive depths of the ocean, is a lot like Earth, drifting through the endless expanse that is space. If, in comparison to the ocean, that shell was so tiny, then how little would a continent be? How about a country, a state, a city, or just one person? Our nations are but a fleck of discoloration on that shell – a fleck that is barely visible to the naked eye. As for us, we're significantly smaller than a single grain of sand beside that shell. Our planet is so tiny and miniscule compared to the size of the universe, which as far as we know, never ends. The universe is massive, beyond comprehension. The seashell and ocean analogy is likely laughable in comparison to an actual drawn-toscale picture. The truth is that we have no idea how big the universe is or whether or. Disrupter President Trump is a born disrupter. Mr. Smith has disrupter status thrust upon him but comes to relish it, no less. The President rails endlessly about the press's distortion of his record. When Mr. Smith's young Boy Rangers ride bicycles to his rescue, their newspapers-the only ones not on the payroll of corrupt tycoons and politicians-are confiscated. The radio stations are also on the take. The media controls the narrative; the public is kept in the dark. Reminiscent of the President's frequent "I'm not a politician" disclaimer, an all but broken, filibuster-weary Jefferson Smith, acknowledges his outsider status to his fellow senators in a climactic scene: "A guy like me should never be allowed to get in here in the first place." But, he was, and despite all efforts to stop him, so was President Trump. No Push Over Recent U.S. Presidents all considered on the fight for the wall as a lost cause. For the President, it’s his signature issue. As Senator Smith so famously said: "You fight for the lost causes harder than any others." His enemies will shudder at the idea, but in Donald Trump, a tireless fighter against Washington corruption and the complacent status quo, America may have found not its Wizard of Oz but its Frank Capra president.. One step closer to normal. Since last spring, life has felt like it was missing something. I think it has something to do with the way baseball and softball was so rudely interrupted, thanks to that virus that some folks have been talking about. Rick Patrick I know I have said it Columnist before, but I love baseball and softball games. It may have something to do with the fact that when I was younger, I was always much better at baseball than I was at football. That really doesn't say as much about how good I was at baseball as it does about how bad I was at football. I wasn't all that bad at basketball, thanks to usually being one of the tallest kids around. No matter, I have always enjoyed most sports, but I especially loved baseball. I remember many fun Sunday afternoons on the baseball diamond at the old Greenville. Midnight Meditations:. Mr. Smith went to Washington 80 years ago and encountered familiar obstacles. [Courtesy}. High School next to Mama Mae's back yard. One quick climb of the brick fence behind her house and I was right there on the baseball diamond. Even if I didn't always get picked for the team, I always had fun. Those memories quickly come back to mind when I go to a baseball game. Perhaps it's because the weather is beginning to get warmer. Perhaps it's because the weather hasn't gotten so warm that it's uncomfortable to be at the games. Perhaps it's the smell of the grass and red clay. Perhaps it has something to do with the hot dogs. I'm sure it will be at least a little bit emotional for me over the next couple of weeks when I'm finally able to go to a ball game. It will feel like a bit of fresh air after being stuck inside for so long. It will feel a bit like normal. That may be what I'm looking forward to the most. I encourage everyone to catch a baseball or softball game as soon as you can. I'll see you at the ball field, then at the concession stand during the "seventh inning stretch;" one hot dog please, ketchup and pickle relish only.. Be an ant. not life outside of Earth exists. There is an endless list of things we don't know about space or even our own planet, for that matter. Despite mankind being a tiny dot inside a fleck of discoloration, on a shell, beside the ocean, we tend to think we are unstoppable, all-knowing, limitless in our capabilities and in control. Unfortunately, this is not true. These are traits of God, and they are nothing that anyone on this planet could ever hope to achieve. Do not let my analogy bring you down. Don't let it make you feel insignificant, because even the tiniest of things have importance. Let's take ants, for example, and not focus on how tiny we are. Ants are much smaller than us, but their impact is humongous. Ants aerate the soil, which in turn allows water and air to make it to the plants' roots, allowing them to thrive. Remember, we need oxygen to breathe, and our primary source of oxygen is plants. Secondly, ants also feast on the larvae of household pests, such as fleas, bedbugs, flies and roaches. So, what can we conclude from this? Well, because of ants, plants are able to thrive and provide you with food and oxygen. They also work as your personal exterminator, to an extent. Perhaps if there weren't ants, you'd be running for a shoe or fly swatter a lot more frequently than you do. I imagine you're wondering how this has anything to do with how tiny one person is in comparison to the universe. Bear with me for a second. If an ant, which is so much smaller than us, has such an enormous impact on the world, then what kind of impact could we make? Whenever you feel small and insignificant, remember how much smaller ants are, and they're still able to impact us so much. If you find yourself getting down and feeling like you're just one person in a world full of billions, get up and make your impact. Be an ant. Even though you're small, you are not insignificant. You can make a positive impact on the world around you. Focus on what's in front of you, and tackle things one at a time..
(3) The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. FROM PAGE ONE. Friday, February 5, 2021 ~ 3. come inside. She then went to the bathroom and upon returning to the living room, she noticed Mapp and Minor who were believed to have entered from Cont. from page 1 the back door, seated on the couch. Mapp forced the victim into her bedroom while Minor stood watch. Mapp then raped the victim, without the use of protection, and when the act was completed, he cleaned himself off on a nearby towel that would later be collected as evidence. He then tossed the towel down and swapped places with Minor, who then raped the victim as well, while Mapp stood watch. Two relatives, who were also minors, then showed up to the victim's home and knocked on the door repeatedly. After they did not receive an answer, they began walking around the back of the home, where they witnessed Mapp and Minor fleeing in different directions. One of the two relatives then entered the home, and upon her observation of the situation, she went to her mother's house and informed her of the. incident. Madison County Sheriff's Office was immediately notified, and the victim was examined. When law enforcement showed up to arrest Mapp, he claimed, "I wouldn't do nothing like that! I got more respect than to mess with a 12 or 13-year-old." After being taken in, waiving his Miranda rights and agreeing to an audio recorded interview, he admitted to sexual conduct with the underage victim but insisted that it was consensual. Once the interview concluded, Mapp was arrested for sexual battery. On the court docket dated for Tuesday, Jan. 19, the details of Mapp's sentencing are listed. He was convicted of three counts of lewd battery on a child. Notated on the docket is the following information: "admits violation, probation revoked and terminated, 28 years DOC and found to be habitual violent felony offender." Mapp will now face 28 years in a state correctional institution, with 298 days of jail credit. He is a registered sex offender in the State of Florida.. one to escape the home, by exiting through her window. Her daughter Baylee escaped separately and ran to the neighbor's house for help. The neighbor Cont. from page 1 then rushed to the residence and pulled the girl's twin brother, Bobby, out of the home. Bobby was later transported via life flight to UF Health Shands Hospital. As of press time, he was responsive. Unfortunately, Gwen's oldest daughter, Miranda, was entrapped inside the home and was unable to make it out. She was declared deceased at the scene. Firefighters fought with the fire for 30 to 45 minutes before they were finally able to conquer it. The scene was not cleared until after 11 a.m. MCFR was assisted on the scene by the Lee Volunteer Fire Department, Madison Fire Department, Greenville Fire Department and the Madison County Sheriff's Office. The exact cause of the fire is yet to be determined and is under investigation with the State Fire Marshal's Office. The fire is suspected to have started somewhere in the vicinity of the living room. Donations for the family are being accepted at MCFR's main station, located at: 1314 W Base St., in Madison. Please give donations to Fire Chief Allen Clayton or Deputy Chief Michael Raines. They are available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be accepting cash, gift cards and money orders. Money orders may be made out to Gwendolyn Cauley. There is also the option of donating to one of their GoFundMe accounts at https://gofund.me/7d698de5 or https://gofund.me/a649467b.. They are also accepting household donations and are in need of the following items: clothing, shoes, nonperishable food, pantry items and other household necessities. The clothing sizes needed are: size 20/2X womens, size 4/medium womens for Baylee and size 16 pants/18 shirts for Bobby. They all wear size 8.5 shoes.. from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. In person registration and tryouts will both take place at the Madison County Recreation Park, located at 753 SW Anastasia Way, Cont. from page 1 just off of US Hwy. 90 West, next to Madison County High School. Kids are asked to bring their own glove for the tryouts. The purpose for the tryouts will be to select teams. There will be no tryouts for those kids wanting to play T-ball Opening Day for the 2021 season is scheduled for Saturday, March 27.. This day is expected to be a big, fun family day for the community to celebrate the return of baseball to Madison. Many fun activities are in the works for kids and families alike, including many baseball and softball contests. The website for online registration is www.madisoncountybaberuth.com. The registration cost is $65 per child, which includes a team jersey and hat. More information can be found on the league's Facebook page at Madison County Babe Ruth Baseball and Softball.. Predator. Fire. Babe Ruth. Completion. Cont. from page 1. funded by the Florida Department of Transportation, had been on the city's "wish list" for several years. "I think we've made pretty good time, considering the amount of work we've had to do," said Floyd. "It's. Postal prices increase Alyssa Ridenour. reporter@greenepublishing.com. Publisher: Emerald Greene Parsons General Manager: Cheltsie Holbrook Reporters Rick Patrick Mickey Starling Alyssa Ridenour. Advertising. Florida gas prices reach 11-month high news@greenepublishing.com. Florida gas prices jumped another 10 cents last week, reaching an average price of $2.40 per gallon statewide, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA), which monitors fuel trends. But even though the state's average was up 20 cents from the start of the year and represented the highest daily average since February 2020, Florida drivers were still paying seven cents less than during the same time a year earlier, according to the AAA. "Gas prices have been dragged higher by crude oil prices, which remain at 11-month highs," said Mark Jenkins, spokesman for AAA –The Auto Club Group, adding that the gas price hike had likely hit its ceiling for Florida and seemingly had plateaued. "Despite optimism for the COVID-19 vaccine, crude prices slipped last week due to rising cases of coronavirus in two of the largest fuel consumers in the world: the United States and China," Jenkins said. According to the Energy Information Administration, U.S. crude supplies have increased nearly one percent, at the same time that gasoline production jumped 18 percent and gasoline demand rose almost 10 percent. Counties' retail prices for unleaded gas ranged from $2.296 to $2.523 per gallon across the state on Monday, Jan. 25, with the statewide average at $2.395 per gallon. In Madison County, the average cost of a gallon of gasoline was $2.394 during the same time, while in Jefferson County it was $2.523 and in Leon County it was $2.340.. 2019 Award Winning Newspaper. Advertising Specialist Jeanette Dunn Ina Thompson Serving Madison Since 1865 Classifieds/Notices Amber Albritton If you have any questions or concerns, call us at Graphic Design/Layout (850) 973-4141 or visit our website at Dona Gilbert www.greenepublishing.com Ad Design/Layout Dona Gilbert/Amber Albritton This newspaper reserves the right to reject any. Circulation Contact us with your comments.... only taken a couple of weeks, and that's with having to dig up all of the old road and completely replace it." The newly-paved road will provide easier access to North Florida College, the Madison Public Library and nearby O'Neal's Restaurant.. Lazaro Aleman. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has implemented a price increase on postage that began on Sunday, Jan. 24. The new rates of USPS shipping are yet to be released. However, the following list includes the proposed changes: Letters 1oz: no change; price remains at 55 cents. Letters with additional ounces: 15 cents per ounce to 20 cents per ounce. Flat and/or large envelopes – 1 oz: no change; price remains at one dollar. Flat and/or large envelopes with additional ounces: no change; price remains at 20 cents per ounce. Postcards: 35 cents to 36 cents. These new prices are for domestic mailing. International shipping costs have remained the same. Package prices have also increased. Listed below is a breakdown of the changes in price for packages: 1 lb package: $2.80 to $2.89. 2 lb package: $3.33 to $3.45. 3 lb package: $3.86 to $4.01. 4 lb package: $4.39 to $4.57. 5 lb package: $4.92 to $5.13. 6 lb package: $5.45 to $5.69. 7 lb package: $5.98 to $6.25. 8 lb package: $6.52 to $6.81. 9 lb package: $7.06 to $7.37. 10 lb package: $7.60 to $7.93.. Newsroom. Micheal Dupree (right) helps Hayden Allen out of his bunker gear, after fighting the fire that took the life of Miranda Webb on the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 3. [Emerald G. Parsons/ Greene Publishing, Inc.]. M-F: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Subscription Rates Basic: $60 per year Basic Plus: $70 per year All Access: $90 E-Pub: $35. advertisem*nt, news matter, or subscriptions that, in the opinion of the management, will not be for the best interest of the county and/or the owners of this newspaper, and to investigate any advertisem*nt submitted. All photos given to Greene Publishing Inc. for publication in this newspaper must be picked up no later than six months from the date they are dropped off. Greene Publishing, Inc. will not be responsible for photos beyond said deadline.. How to reach us Phone: (850) 973-4141 Email: news@greenepublishing.com Mail: P.O. Drawer 772 Madison, Fla. 32341 Office: 1695 S SR 53 Madison, Fla. 32340. Classifieds & Notices ads Deadline for classifieds is Monday at 3 p.m. Deadlines for notices advertisem*nts are Monday & Wednesday at 3 p.m. There will be a $10 charge for affidavits.. A weekly newspaper [USPS 177 - 400] designed for the express reading pleasure of the people of its circulation area, be they past, present or future residents. Published weekly by Greene Publishing Inc., 1695 South SR 53, Madison, Fla. 32340. Periodicals postage paid at the Post Office in Madison, Fla. 32340.. Postmaster: Send address changes to Greene Publishing, Inc., P.O. Drawer 772, Madison, Fla. 32341-0772.
(4) 4 ~ Friday, February 5, 2021. COMMUNITY. Obituaries Louise Carroll. Written by: Louise Carroll I was born in Perry, Fla. on April 6, 1939. My mother was Gertrude Woodard Wilson, my daddy was Alston T. Wilson. I grew up with two brothers, Lewis Alston Manning (we called him Buddy) and Willis Lamar; one sister, Mae; and my Peggy came later after I was married and had two children of my own. Peggy always seemed more like a daughter than a sister to me. I was married to Franklin Carroll on Dec. 24, 1954. We had five beautiful children: Frankie, Rhonda, Brenda and Glenda (the twins) and Jamie. From those five children we had 14 grandchildren, 25 greatgrandchildren and two great-greatgrandchildren, of which there are too many to name. I was married to Franklin for 58 years on Dec. 24, 2012. Then, on Feb. 25, 2013, he joined our daughter, Rhonda, in Heaven. I was also preceded in death by my mama, daddy, my older brother, a half-sister and halfbrother. I was an active member of Sirmans Baptist Church for 40 plus years, but more importantly, I am a member of God's family. If this is. being read, then I have no doubt that I am in the presence of my savior, Jesus Christ. I have a wonderful loving family that I love dearly and appreciate all of them very much. I also have a wonderful loving church family that has supported, encouraged and loved me all the time. Please do not grieve for me, but get on with your life. Live for the Lord and be happy! I am survived by my wonderful children and their spouses; all of my beautiful grandchildren and their spouses (the ones that are married); my sisters: Mae and Peggy (Keith); and my brother, Willis. I am also survived by a whole lot of nieces and nephews on my side of the family and on Franklin's side. Always remember, I love all of you to the moon and back 100 times. Don't be sad, I'm with Gramps and Rhonda. -Mama A graveside service was held at Evergreen Cemetery on Monday, Feb. 1, 2021 at 3 p.m. T.J. Beggs & Sons Funeral Home assisted the family. You may leave condolences at www.beggsfuneral.com.. Calling all ladies who love the beef industry Kathrine Alderman. news@greenepublishing.com. If you're a lady and are involved in, interested in, or just love the beef industry, there is an event coming up this Saturday, Feb. 6, that might be of great interest to you. All the cattlewomen in the northern part of the state are having a get together at Great Mark Western, located at 6022 Old Lloyd Road in Monticello, and wish to invite all women who are also interested in beef. The event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will include a ranch tour in the morning, followed by lunch and then conversation. Again, all ladies who love the beef industry are. invited. If you would like to attend, please contact floridacattlewomen@yahoo.com, as they have to keep a running tally of who all is going to the event.. Big Bend Hospice has a new webssite with an emphasis on ease e of navigation navigation, helpfful information information, and a conven nient “Make a Referrral” Button. Your Homettown Hospice is always here for you!. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. Community Calendar If you would like to have anything added to the community calendar, please email reporter@greenepublishing.com or give us a call at (850) 973-4141. Now - Feb. 6 Madison County Babe Ruth Baseball and Softball began online registration for their 2021 season on Friday, Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. Online registration will continue until Friday, Feb. 5, at 5 p.m. Registration cost is $65, which includes a jersey and a hat. In-person registration will take place on Saturday, Feb. 6, from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m., at the Madison County Recreation Park. Try-outs will follow the in-person registration from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. There will be no need for try-outs for those youngsters playing T-ball. Babe Ruth Baseball and Softball is for youngsters age four to 16. The website for online registration is: www.madisoncountybaberuth.com. Feb. 5 The Madison County High School Cowgirls softball team will hold their annual hit-a-thon and home run derby on Friday, Feb. 5, from 5:30 p.m. until 8 p.m., at Cowgirl Field. The Cowgirls are also still seeking sponsors. New sponsorships with a sponsorship banner are $200, renewing sponsors from last season are $100. Please contact head coach Matt Replogle at matthew.replogle@mcsbfl.us with any questions about either of these fundraisers. Feb. 5 Friday, Feb. 5 is the last day to vote for “Best of Madison.” Go to the chamber's website or check Greene Publishing's newsletter to vote. Feb. 6 The Madison Church of God will hold an indoor yard sale on Saturday, Feb. 6, from 7 a.m. until 12 p.m. There will be a wide variety of items available, including clothing, toys and housewares. All items are in good condition, and all proceeds will go towards the church's Miracle Sunday Project, which will be used to pay off the mortgage on the Family Life Center. The church is located at 771 NE Colin Kelly Hwy., in Madison. Feb. 6 On Saturday, Feb. 6, Madison RV and Golf Resort will hold their First Annual Chili Cook-off. The event will take place at the pickle ball pavilion at the resort. Judging begins at 3 p.m. and contestants must be set up by 2:45 p.m. in order to qualify. There is a $10 fee to enter and $5 will get you all you can taste. All bowls, utensils, napkins and crackers will be provided. First place will win a half-day offshore fishing trip. All proceeds will go to help the family of Ashley JacksonRutherford as she continues her fight against Stage Three breast cancer. For more information on rules and set-up, please contact Don Tate at (317) 828-3910. Feb. 25 The Madison County Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Best of Madison Awards Event with a Taste of Madison. So far, 15 different caterers and restaurants have agreed to join the festivities. The event will be held in the Family Life Center at Madison Church of God, located at 771 NE Colin Kelly Hwy., in Madison. Entry fees are $25 per person. The event will begin at 6 p.m. and conclude at 7:30 p.m. For more information, contact the Madison County Chamber of Commerce at (850) 973-2788, or email them at chamber@madisonfl.org.. Jail Report Jan. 26 - Feb. 2 Jan. 26 Desiree Tucker – Possession of synthetic cannabanoid, trespass structure or conveyance, bond revocation Cierra Jones – Failure to appear/trespass after warning Freddie Johnson – Failure to appear/driving while license suspended Jan. 27 Earl Davis – Criminal registration Cynthia Morris – Welfare fraud Ernest Suttles – Out of state fugitive/Tennessee Jessica Rocco – Order revoking bond Jan. 28 Anthony Simpo – Criminal registration Kicha Crim – Aggravated assault, battery/domestic violence Brian Mitchell – Criminal registration. Kathy Lovett – Criminal registration Jan. 29 Abraham Williams – Warrant/possession of synthetic marijuana Jan. 30 Randell Smith – Failure to appear/resisting without violence Jan. 31 Tavaris Solomon – Burglary, domestic violence battery, violate injunction protection Adina Wyche – Aggravated battery/domestic violence Feb. 1 Sherard Baynard – Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon (four cnts.), resist without violence (two cnts.) Russell Cooper – Criminal registration Feb. 2 Allen Hurst – Out of county warrant/Hamilton County.
(5) The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. The Bush Wealth Advantage Our column, “The Bush Wealth Advantage,” is our way of giving back to the community with all sorts of insights, relevant news and practical wealth planning strategies.. Will updated I.R.S. tables create an opportunity for retirees? Life expectancy table updated for the first time since 2002. Stacy Bush. If you are retired and have reached your seventies, you may have the opportunity to draw a little less income from your retirement savings accounts in 2022. Next year, the Internal Revenue Service plans to update the life expectancy tables used for the calculation of required minimum distributions, or RMDs – the annual withdrawals you are asked to make from certain kinds of retirement plans. The I.R.S. knows that on the whole, Americans are living longer than they used to, and therefore, their retirement savings need to last longer. In recognition of this, it is revising the tables used to figure RMDs for the first time since 2002. Under the new life expectancy tables, RMD amounts are reduced a bit. Generally speaking, they shrink by several percentage points. For example, if you turn 72 in 2022 and take your first RMD from a traditional IRA (or other qualified retirement plan) by the end of 2022, that RMD will be 6.65 percent smaller than it would be according to the 2021 tables. (You do have the choice to delay. your initial RMD into 2023, though if you do so, you will be asked to take two 2023 RMDs.) To further illustrate this, we will switch over to dollars from percentage points. If you turn 72 in 2022 and decide to take your first RMD from a traditional IRA that has $3,000,000 in it by the end of 2022, your RMD is $109,489 by calculations using the 2022 tables. Using the current tables, that 2022 RMD would be $117,186. Speaking of traditional IRAs, as a reminder, distributions from traditional IRAs must begin once you reach age 72. The money distributed to you is taxed as ordinary income. When such distributions are taken before age 59½, they may be subject to a 10 percent federal income tax penalty. You may keep contributing to a Traditional IRA past age 72, as long as you meet the earned-income requirement. The reduction in RMDs may be a benefit. You might be wondering if you should offset it by withdrawing more than the RMD amount, but there could be a price to pay for that over time; drawing down your retirement savings too much can heighten the risk of outliving your money. Consider the upsides to smaller RMDs. A little more of your retirement money stays in the account, with further potential for tax-deferred growth. As RMDs represent taxable income, a marginally smaller RMD may leave you with slightly less income tax linked to the distribution.. This information should not be construed by any client or prospective client as the rendering of personalized investment advice. All investments and investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy including those discussed in this material will be profitable or equal any historical performance levels. Investment strategies such as asset allocation, diversification, or rebalancing do not assure or guarantee better performance and cannot eliminate the risk of investment losses. Any target referenced is not a prediction or projection of actual investment results and there can be no assurance that any target will be achieved.. COMMUNITY. Friday, February 5, 2021 ~ 5. Chamber to host awards event: voting extended Alyssa Ridenour. reporter@greenepublishing.com. The Madison County Chamber of Commerce is holding their annual Best of Madison competition and has extended the voting deadline through Friday, Feb. 5, due to the awards event being pushed back. The Chamber is excited about their upcoming awards event, and they have added a twist to the usual festivities. This year, they have added "a taste of Madison." This means they have invited vendors from all across Madison County to set up tasting. stations for attendees. So far, they have about 15 vendors. The cost of attendance is $25 per person, and the event will be held on Thursday, February 25, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Family Life Center at the Madison Church of God, located at 771 NE Colin Kelly Hwy., in Madison. For more information, call the Madison County Chamber of Commerce, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Their contact number is (850) 973-2788. They are also reachable via email at chamber@madisonfl.org.. Every mass shooting oveer the last 20 years has one thing inn common In the last Ask The Gun Man, I mentioned that all mass m murders were committed by Democrats. I received MANY responses on this this. One was from a doc doctor, ctor who was quite nice compared to some of the ee mails I received. I sent her a list of what some democrats had done and she told me I was wrong on two of the lists I had sent her. I checked her response and found she was right. For this, I apologize; the truth means everything to me. I had not checked all the information I had received. The following, I assure, are correct. Every mass shooting over the last 20 years have two things in common . . . and it's not guns. Much has been said about the rising epidemic of opioid use and guns how they are destroying lives across America. These painkillers have become too easy to get, either through prescriptions or on the street. The need to address and stop this problem has been made clear, but there is another problem that has been ignored for far too long, and is more destructive than opioids and guns. Every mass shooting over the last 20 years has two things in common... it's not guns, it's psychiatric drugs and democrats. According to multiple sources and research done over many years, the overwhelming evidence is that the largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs and were democrats. In an article reported in Natural News, "multiple credible scientific studies going back more than a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information, show that SSRI drugs (Selective Serotonin ReUptake Inhibitors) have well known, but unreported side effects, including, but not limited to, suicide and other violent behavior." Prozac is one type of these anti-depressant drugs. "Mainstream Media" has documented over 4,500 reported cases from around the world of violent behavior by those taking these powerful drugs. There have been at least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs, resulting in 80 people being killed and 172 wounded. And these are only the cases that I know for sure, as I have verified every word below. There have been many school shootings, but information about their drug use was never made public either confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs. Because of space, I can't name them all, therefore, check out a sampling of the ones I have below. What we do know for certain is that many murders were committed by people that were "medicated" with SSRI drugs and were democrats. The list not only include mass shootings but the use of knives and bombs. 1) Chelsea, Michigan --- Dec. 16, 1993: 39-year-old chemistry teacher Stephen Leith, democrat, facing a disciplinary matter at Chelsea High School, shot Superintendent Joseph Piasecki to death, shot Principal Ron Mead in the leg and slightly wounded journalism teacher Phil Jones. Leith was taking Prozac and had been seeing a psychiatrist. 2) Blackville, South Carolina --- Oct. 12, 1995: 15-year-old Toby R. Sincino, whose parents were staunch democrats, entered the Blackville-Hilda High School's rear entrance, where he shot two BlackvilleHilda High School teachers. Then Toby killed himself. His aunt, Carolyn McCreary, said he had been undergoing counseling with the Department of Mental Health and was taking Zoloft for emotional problems. 3) Springfield, Oregon --- May 21, 1998: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, whose parents were also very staunch democrats murdered, his parents and then went to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 25. Kinkel had been taking the antidepressant Prozac. Kinkel had been attending "anger control classes" and had previously been under the care of a psychologist. 4) Columbine, Colorado --- April 20, 1999: 18-year-old Eric Harris and his accomplice, Dylan Klebold, both parents were registered democrats, killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves. Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox. Klebold's medical records remain sealed as of today Jan. 29, 2021. Both shooters had been in anger-management classes and had undergone counseling. Harris had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting. 5) El Cajon, California --- March 22, 2001: 18-year-old Jason Hoffman, a Democrat, on the antidepressants Celexa and Effexor, opened fire on his classmates, wounding three students and two teachers at Granite Hills High School. He had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting. 6) Sudbury, Massachusetts --- Jan. 19, 2007: 16-year-old, John Odgren, whose parents were democrats, stabbed another student to death with a large kitchen knife in a boy's bathroom at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. In court, his father testified that his son was prescribed the drug Ritalin. 7) Myrtle Beach, South Carolina --- Sept. 21, 2011: 14-year-old Christian Helmswhose parents were staunch democrats, had two pipe bombs in his backpack, when he shot and wounded Socastee High School's resource (police) officer. The officer was able to stop the student before he could do anything further. Evidence showed that he was planning an attack similar to the Columbine High School shooting. He had been taking drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and depression. There are many more, but you get the idea. While the media and progressive democrats tend to focus only on "gun violence," the real problem goes largely untold. Until we realize that mental illness, overmedication of SSRI drugs, and democrat socialists are the real causes for mass killings in our society, these horrifying events will go on. It's not that all democrats are mass murderers; it's that all democrat socialists have been mass murderers. Don't take my word for it, research it for yourself and see what the facts are. You will find that all but one of those under 18 were receiving Medicaid and Welfare and under medication. -George Pouliotte. Send your questions to the Gun Man, Georrge Pouliotte Ammodump International, LLC 1556 South SR 53, Madison, Fla. 32340 Phone: (850) 973-8880 E-mail: Ammodump@embarqmail.com.
(6) COMMUNITY. 6 ~ Friday, February 5, 2021. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. Woould you raather lose your sight or your vooice? Why?. Gloria Randall: “My voice because I can communicate with sign language or writing.”. Debra Greeen: “Mine would be my voice. There's sign languagge. You can always write letterrs, and if they want to hear myy voice, I've got an old voicem mail they can listen to.”. Sherilyn Pickels: “Definitely my voice, because there's not always a need for words. Yoou can get a lot across without saying anything, but I couldn't go through life without seeing my family, especially my son.”. Juliee Adams: “I would definitely d lose my voice, becaause I would never want to misss out on seeing my kids. I can sttill communicate in other ways.. Yoour voice is not everything. A voice is for other people, but b vision is for yoourself.”. Cin ndy Colwell: “My vooice, because I'd like to see where w I'm going. In today's society, technology would help me communicate.”. The Jiu Jitsu beast: Brayson Thompson fight, he took on competitors who were ranked higher; some with years more experience. "We decided to have him fight kids who were more experienced than he was, because I knew that he could handle it," said McInally. However, this did not intimidate Thompson. "A lot of students, when they go out there for the first time, they can be hesitant and not as aggressive as they should," said McInally. "Not Brayson. He told his dad he needed to get there the night before, so he could be well rested for the competition. He did a full stretch routine before the match, as well as any adult. Alyssa Ridenour. reporter@greenepublishing.com. Brayson Thompson is the nine-year-old son of Matt and Devin Thompson. The pair added Thompson to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes at Sticks and Stones Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, in Lake City, Fla., in August of 2020. Thompson has made great strides in the art and is taking his training very seriously. He began in the six to 10-year-old class, but after a couple of weeks, his coach, Michael McInally, quickly realized he was too aggressive and moved him to the 10 to 14-year-old group. "We noticed he was too aggressive of a fighter for the six to 10year-old class, so we put him in the 10 to 14-yearold group," said McInally. "We made this decision after just a few weeks of training." He is a third degree white belt. On Saturday, Jan. 9, Thompson competed in his first Jiu Jitsu competition in Jacksonville, Fla., where he dominated his opponents, claiming first place, not once but twice. Due to not having B rayson T hompson is a third degree anyone of the w hite belt. P ictured, from left to right, are: B rayson T hompson and his coach, same rank Michael McI nally, w ho is adding a stripe available to. B rayson T hompson fought hard to take the first place podium. His parents w ere proud of his achiev ement. P ictured, from left to right, are: Matt T hompson, B rayson T hompson and Dev in T hompson. [Courtesy]. B rayson' s C oach, Michael McI nally (left), is proud of B rayson (right) for his v ictory in the recent competition. [Courtesy]. E SPECIA TRE LI E H. ST. T. to T hompson' s belt. [Courtesy]. would." Thompson won two gold medals during his competition: one for his gi fight and one for the nogi fight. His parents were thrilled when he was victorious. Thompson's team won the most points in the youth championship, bringing back a trophy to their gym. Aside of Jiu Jitsu, Thompson also enjoys playing baseball, working out and lifting weights to help train. He spends three to four days a week in Lake City, Fla., training in Jiu Jitsu. His parents are proud of everything he has accomplished and look forward to walking with him as he continues to grow.. Free Estimates • Tree Trimming • Debris Clean Up • Aerial Device Tree Removal • Bush Hoggging • Stump Grinding. Call Gene Day (850) 948-4757 7 • Cell: (850) 464-0386 6425 NW Lovett Rd. • Greenville, G Fla. 32331. The M Madison Enterprise-Recorder Call to placce your card!. (850) 9 973-4141 mikes pum mp repair and d. well drill ling, inc. W. P oudd T Too Be Se ving All Count Surrou r ou undi nd di g Co ounnt i s (386) 590-0888 cell 2 Hour Service 24 Miike Harris - Owner. B rayson T hompson sported tw o large gold medals after ex celling at the competition. [Courtesy].
(7) FARM. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. Friday, February 5, 2021 ~ 7. Farm Spotlight: Sunny Gale Farms, Inc. Alyssa Ridenour. reporter@greenepublishing.com. Sunny Gale Farms was founded about 20 years ago as a catfish farm, in Greenville, by George and Gale Blevins. The Blevins met through work in St. Petersburg, Fla., many years ago, when Gale was working as a secretary at an engineering company where George was also employed. The pair have been married for 38 years and raised three children together. They now have seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Gale is originally from the midwest, and her husband, George, was a military kid, who spent much of his childhood relocating to different military bases. Neither one of them grew up on a farm, but they had family who did. The Blevins heard that land was cheap in the area and decided to take a trip to Madison County to see what all the hype was about. They found some land and would later spend every weekend coming up to Madison County from St. Petersburg to clear the land. In the beginning, they stayed on the land in a camper, and later, they had a mobile home brought in. After about seven years, Mr. Blevins began building a house, which he did almost entirely on his own. Due to his previous experience as a structural engineer, he knew what he was doing and after about a year and a half, the Blevins had a new home. For about six years, they held band camps on their land, and the Salvation Army sent a group of college kids to help them every summer. Mrs. Blevins was inspired to do this because she was a teacher and noticed a lack of musical influence in the school system. At the time, her husband was also involved with the local volunteer fire department. In 2016, they retired from everything they were doing and went full-time into the farming industry, continuing their catfish farm. About three years ago, the couple transitioned into goat farming. They had always loved goats. and were interested in possibly farming them. However, it was their granddaughter who drove them to make the final decision to dive into it. At the time, she was eight-years-old and in love with goats, and as any grandparents would, they did what they had to for their granddaughter. They began farming goats.. beef and pork. However, people from other countries often view pork as unclean and cows as sacred, due to their religion. This allows the Blevins to meet individuals from all walks of life. They have developed a love for the community and plan to continue serving people for a long time to come. The Blevins can be reached at: (850) 7769751. If you are interested in purchasing a goat, they are highly educated on the subject and can answer nearly any question asked. Sunny Gale Farms, Inc. is located at: 881 SW 1 Federal Rd., in Greenville.. 491 SW Range Ave. Madison, Fla. 32340 (850) 973-2245. George and Gale Blevins are proud of their farm and happily gave a tour of the stables, where their goats go for shelter and meals. [Alyssa Ridenour/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. They now have between 60 and 70 goats, eight cows, one donkey, one horse, five dogs and about 40 chickens. They no longer farm catfish, and their goats serve a few different purposes. They auction them, sell them, breed them and take them to be butchered for meat. Some people buy them as pets. Others buy them for food, and some buy them for farming and breeding. They also sell eggs at the farmer’s market. The Blevins explained that the goat industry is one of the fastest growing agricultural industries. They also mentioned their love for all the people they meet. They have the unique opportunity to build relationships with buyers from many different cultures, especially during certain times of the year. America is a country that eats a lot of. The Blevins have several cows that they breed. [Alyssa Ridenour/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. 1722 S Ohio Ave Live Oak, Fla. 32064 (386) 362-1887. Gordon Tractor thanks all the. local farmers!. 1702 S Byron Butler Pkwy Perry, Fla. 32348 (850) 584-6157 Follow us on. We support our farmers and ranchers of Madison County. Ragans Family Campground The Blevins have several babies on their hands and more coming soon. [Alyssa Ridenour/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. Family Camping at its Best The Blevins have a large bull, who protects the heifers. [Alyssa Ridenour/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. Open Year Round • Daily Activities • Camp Store • Free Wifi • 30 and 50 Amp • Pull Through Sites • Cabin and Te Tent Sites. (850) 973-8269 973• 1051 SW Old St. Augustine Rd. I-10 Exit 258 • Madison, Fla. 32340. www.mikesmariineflorida.com A hungry baby goat comes to mama for some milk. [Alyssa Ridenour/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. Henry Rifle Dealer. The Blevins have many chickens who roam the land and lay eggs that later go to the farmer’s market to be sold. [Alyssa Ridenour/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. Outdoor. Solutions & Services. (229) 869-9997 • Deer Feed (OSS-20) • Herd Management • Deer Stands • Feeders • Cameras • Seed and Seed Plantings P.O. Box 637 • Leesburg, Ga. 31763. Follow us on 1296 Coastal Hwy. • Panacea, P Fla. 32346. (850) 984-5637 • (850) 984-5693.
(8) SPORTS. 8 ~ Friday, February 5, 2021. Rick Patrick. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. Cowgirl advances to state championship. rick@greenepublishing.com. Madison County High School (MCHS) Cowgirl weightlifter Jalicia Pride placed fifth in the 169 lb weight class to become the first Cowgirl to earn a spot in the Class 1A State Championship in the program's history. Pride had a bench press of 150 lbs and a clean and jerk. lift of 120 lbs, giving her a total of 270 lbs. The Class 1A State Championship Meet is scheduled to take place on Friday, Feb. 12, at Suwannee High School, in Live Oak. Other Cowgirls who competed in the Region One meet on Friday, Jan. 29, included Myasia Lewis, with a 190 lb total; Jessica Hasty, who had a 205 lb total and Mackenzie Singletary, who lifted a total of 245 lbs.. C ow girl w eightlifter J essica Hasty lifts 8 5 lb during the C lean and J erk competition at the C lass 1 A R egion O ne girls w eightlifting meet, held on Friday, J an. 2 9 , in L iv e O ak. [Danny Federico/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. J alicia P ride became the first C ow girl in school history to progress to the C lass O ne S tate C hampionship during the C lass 1 A R egion O ne meet, held on Friday, J an. 2 9 , at S uw annee High S chool, in L iv e O ak. [Danny Federico/Greene Publishing, Inc.]. Cheerleader Spotlight:. Cheerleader Spotlight:. Precious Watson. Ke'Niya Barfield Mattair. Madison County High S chool junior varsity cheerleader P recious Watson is in her first year of cheerleading, but she already enjoys cheering with her friends. S he says her most memorable expe rience has been attending cheer camp. Watson is the 15-ye arold daughter of S onny and S harikka Watson.. K e'Ni ya B arfield Mattair is the 14-ye ar-old daughter of C harlene "K eke" B arfield, and says she has been cheering since she w as a toddler. S he currently is a ju nior va rsity cheerleader for the Madison C ounty High S chool C ow boys w ho enjo ys havi ng fun and cheering w ith friends.. y. ,. ,. ,. lins retired as an E-4 Specialist p in 1959. Though Rollins only served for a few years, the military taught him valuable lessons about being attentive. “Just listen,” remarked Rollins. “Less talking and more listening will get you a long way.” After leaving military service Rollins worked at the service, Philadelphia Naval Ship Yard r as a a trade theory instructor ctor for f 20 years before a back injury forced hiss retirement. re Rollins has as two tw children: Eileen, who is a retired nurse; and Warner, III, who is a mechanic in New Jersey.. S Sponsored d bby:. Ben Jones - Broker. 145 NW W Cantey Ave. • Madison, Fla. 32340 Phone: (8 850) 973-2200 • Cell: (850) 673-7888. www.mossyoakp properties.com benj@mossyoakproperties.com Each Mossy Oak O Properties Office Is Independently Owned & Operated. First United Methodist Church 348 SW Rutledge St. • Madison Pastor, Jack O. Tilk Wednesdays Wonderful Wednesday ................ 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Ages 3rd - 5th and 6th - 12th). Sundays Sunday School ................................................ 9:45 a.m. Worship Service ............................................ 11:00 a.m.. Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church “A Friendly Church” Cherry Lake, Fl. • (850) 929-4355 Reverend Ralpheal Campbell Sunday School................................................ 9:45 a.m. Pastoral Sunday (1 and 3 Sunday)....................... 11:00 a.m. Youth Church (2 Sunday) ................................. 11:00 p.m. Pastoral Sunday (4 Sunday) ............................. 11:00 p.m. st. nd. th. rd.
(9) SCHOOL. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. Friday, February 5, 2021 ~ 9. MCCS to sell candy grams. Education spotlight: Savannah Reams Alyssa Ridenour. reporter@greenepublishing.com. Savannah Reams is a Greenville native who loves her community dearly. Reams worked as a teacher at Greenville Elementary School for three years, beginning in 2015. She took a short hiatus in 2018 to join the team at Greene Publishing, Inc., as an editor. During this time, she launched The Front Porch magazine with Publisher Emerald Greene-Parsons. In February of 2020, Reams returned to the classroom as an English teacher at Madison County High School. She loved this opportunity, because it gave her the ability to do the two things she loved the most: writing and teaching. While in college, Reams found her passion for writing, leading her to earn a degree in English from Valdosta State University in 2014. She always knew she wanted to teach in Madison County, specifically to return the love the community gave to her. She strives to help struggling kids, especially Savannah Reams those who may have problems outside of school. Reams has learned a lot about the community through her time with the newspaper and wanted to do more. In addition to working as a teacher, she has also worked at the Boys and Girls Club to make sure her students continued to thrive outside the classroom. Reams' goal, as a teacher, is to help the kids understand that life goes on outside of high school, and they need to take the initiative and set themselves up for success. She stresses to them the importance of writing skills and self discipline. Reams brings her experience as a journalist to the table and combines it with her love of teaching. She wishes for nothing but success for her students.. Alyssa Ridenour. reporter@greenepublishing.com. Madison County Central School is opening up the opportunity for kids to send someone a candy gram. If your child is interested in sending someone Valentines wishes, they can purchase a candy gram for $1, starting Monday, Feb. 8. Students can order candy grams from their teachers or during lunch. The school is still looking into how they can get order forms from parents.. North Florida College updates Rotary Club Rick Patrick. rick@greenepublishing.com. During the regular meeting of the Madison Rotary Club on Wednesday, Jan. 20, the Rotarians heard an update from two leaders at North Florida College (NFC). Larry Akers, Director of Campus Safety and Kim Scarboro, Director of College Advancement spoke on how the college is coping with COVID-19. Akers told the Rotarians that decisions were made putting student interests and safety first. The college emphasized teamwork and cooperation with area health agencies as crucial as they worked to implement a plan that would keep students both safe and successful. Today, NFC offers classes in a variety of. formats: online, in a combination of online and in-person and in the tradition in-person format with safety measures in place. Faculty, staff and students have adapted well to the challenges that have been presented to them. Over the past year, the Rotary Club has heard presentations from Kim Allbritton, Administrator at the Madison and Jefferson County Health Departments and from fellow Rotarian Wayne Conger, a clinical psychologist who spoke on the unintended consequences of shutdowns associated with the virus. The Madison Rotary Club meets each Wednesday at 12 p.m. in the Villa Maria Social Hall of St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church, on Orange Ave., across from Beggs Funeral Home. All are welcome to attend.. The Madison Rotary Club recently heard from representatives from North Florida College. Pictured, from left to right, are: Larry Akers, Mark Branham and Rick Davis. [Jim Catron/Courtesy]. CenturyLink DON’TYOUHAVETOHATE ’EM? Citizens of Madison County, we deserve reliable phone and internet service. We pay our bill but continually go without service. The state should assess huge fines to attempt to force CenturyLink to service their accounts. Call these numbers and complain again and again, until you become a pain. Consumer Services Comm. (800) 435-7352 Representative Jason Shoaf (850) 717-5007 - Capitol office Senator Loranne Ausley (850) 487-5003 - Capitol office This ad was paid for by Mack Primm. The views expressed within this ad do not reflect the views of Greene Publishing, Inc..
(10) HISTORY. 10 ~ Friday, February 5, 2021. Feed Char t. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. Florida Normal Institute: Where Madison High School began Mickey Starling. reporter3@greenepublishing.com. How to use: The major and minor feeding times for each day are listed below. The major feeding times are the best for the sportsman and last about 2 hours, the minor feeding times can also have good success, but last only about 1 hour. Good luck and be careful out there. Major j feed times are marked by an asterisk (*). The week of February 5, 2021 - February 11, 2021 Friday, February 5 *5:50 5:50 AM 12:00 PM *6:20 PM Saturday, February 6 12:30 AM *6:40 AM 12:50 PM *7:10 PM. Sunday, February 7 1:20 AM *7:30 AM 1 45 PM 1:45 *8:00 PM. Monday, February 8 2:15 AM *8:30 AM 2:40 PM *8:55 8:55 PM. Tuesday, February 9 3:10 AM *9:25 AM 3:35 PM *9:50 9:50 PM. Wednesday, February 10 4:10 AM *10:20 AM 4:30 PM *10:40 PM. Thursday, February 11 4:55 AM *11:10 AM 5:20 PM *11:30 PM. In 1850, Madison Lodge Number 11, F.&A.M. founded the St. Johns Seminary of Learning at 202 North Duval St., in Madison. At its height, the site contained a school and a dormitory. The institute trained many teachers for schools throughout Florida until its closing in 1927. W.B. Gates established the Florida Normal Institute at this location as part of Madison High School in 1907. When the Institute closed, a new high school was constructed where the current Madison County Memorial Hospital is located on Crane Ave. The dormitory was the only remaining portion of the institute, and it served as the offices of TriCounty Electric Cooperative until 1990. The building remained largely vacant until 1999, when fire swept through the offices in the early hours of Saturday, Feb. 13. The cause of the fire was unknown, but arson was suspected. Some of the information for this article was taken from Tommy Greene's book, "Madison County: From the Beginning." The book is available for purchase at Greene Publishing, Inc., in Madison.. T he Florida N ormal I nstitute later became the home of T riC ounty E lectric C ooperativ e, in Madison. T he building w as v acant for nine years before a fire destroyed it in 1 9 9 9 . [Courtesy]. u Last Quarter: February 4 New Moon: February 11 f First Quarter: February 19 n F Full ll M Moon: F Februar b y 27. L ilias B lackw ell (1 9 2 4 -2 0 1 4 ), later know n as S az ie Anderson, (back), and her brother, R euben Henston Holden B lackw ell (1 9 2 2 -2 0 0 0 ), (front), play on a truck in E llav ille, Fla. in 1 9 2 5 . [www.floridamemory.com/Courtesy].
(11) EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Civil/Structural Engineer-in-Training We are looking for a Civil/Structural Engineerin-Training to join the Big Top Team. The ideal candidate for this position should possess a strong structural design and architecture background. Solid knowledge in steel, concrete, and masonry are essential skills. Responsibilities include assessment, planning, and execution of structural designs on a wide range of projects. Majority of work will be designing or consulting on the installation of Shelter projects. Travel to project locations will be necessary. Must have experience in: ~ Metal Truss Structures ~ Commercial ~ Industrial ~ Government Minimum qualifications and job responsibilities will also include: Designing structures to withstand pressures and forces which they must endure, Collaborating with other designers and/or architects as it relates to the safest designs and how they may fit in with the aesthetic concept of the construction Applying expert knowledge of forces and their impact on various structures. Solid working knowledge in the strength of different materials (e.g. concrete, steel, or wood) and understanding of how their inclusion may necessitate a change of structural design Analyzing suitable configurations of the basic structural components of a building or other structure In-process inspections, as well as providing guidance/feedback to contractors Educational Requirements Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Qualified applications can apply online at www.bigtopshelters.com/c areers, or in person at Big Top Manufacturing, Inc. 3255 N US 19, Perry, Florida (by appointment only). EEO/AA/m/f/vets/disabled. 10/9 rtn. CDL drivers needed, Class B. Apply in person only at Scruggs Concrete Company 186 SW Commerce Dr., in Madison. General News Reporter Greene Publishing, Inc. has an opening for the position of Reporter for the Madison County Carrier and Madison Enterprise-Recorder newspapers. The reporter's duties will include reporting, writing and photography of local news. QUALIFICATIONS • Strong grammar, spelling, writing, interviewing and researching skills required. • Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment; produce, on average, three or more stories a day; meet frequent deadlines • Be a team player, able to handle multiple tasks, and be able to cover a variety of stories. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: • Write accurate, compelling and balanced stories meeting required deadlines. • Cover local events, meetings and other activities, as well as write feature stories. • Develop beat sources within the community and gain thorough knowledge and understanding of community issues. • Cover local government meetings. • Practice fair and balanced reporting, check facts, spelling, grammar and sources. • Set up interviews. • Develop story ideas • Basic skills with digital photography. Apply in person only at the Greene Publishing, Inc newspaper office, located at 1695 S. SR 53., in Madison, email resume to cheltsie@greenepublsihing.com, or you may call to set up an interview time at 850-973-4141.. rtn nc. HAMILTON SCHOOL BOARD Notice of Administrative Position Opening POSITION: Coordinator of Technology and Information Services SALARY RANGE: $58,328.00 - $80,548.00 SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of system design, programming and operation of computer systems. Knowledge of Windows, Apple, and ChromeBook workstations/servers. Knowledge of current trends, research, and best practices related to information/networking technology. Knowledge of Local and Wide Area Networks. EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Minimum of three (3) years of successful experience in computer network and server design, network management and administration, structured wiring standard and installation, and computer repair, preferably in a relevant educational setting. EDUCATION PREFERRED Associate’s Degree (minimum) from an accredited educational institution. Experience and/or appropriate certificates/licenses may be substituted in lieu of education. EFFECTIVE DATE OF VACANCY January 25, 2021 DIRECTION FOR FILING APPLICATION File application on FastTrack on-line application system at www.hamiltonfl.com. DEADLINE FOR FILING APPLICATION February 5, 2021 INTERVIEW INFORMATION Qualified applicants will be contacted regarding interview information. Meeting qualifications does not guarantee an interview. Personnel Department The Hamilton County School Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer In compliance with Article VII of the Agreement Between the Hamilton County Education Association and the Hamilton County School Board. Prior to recommendation for employment, the prospective employee must meet and pass Level II Screening and Drug Testing requirements. The screening costs are the responsibility of the prospective employee. Persons with disabilities who require assistance to participate in the interview process are requested to notify the personnel Office at (386) 792-7816 in advance so their needs can be accommodated. 2/3, 2/5 ch. 01/14-rtn, ch. Ad Builder needed for the Madison County Carrier and the Madison Enterprise-Recorder newspapers in Madison, Fla. The position includes designing and building the ads for both weekly papers and helping to design and layout the newspapers. Must be able to work well under pressure and maintain a team player relationship with co-workers. Experience and/or education in this field preferred. Experience with Quark Express and/or Photoshop a must. Apply in person only at the Greene Publishing, Inc. building, located at 1695 S. State Road 53, send resumes to cheltsie@greenepublis hing.com or call (850) 973-4141 to set up an interview. rtn nc. Ware Oil & Supply Co., is looking for CDL Drivers. Must have Hazmat and Tanker Endorsem*nt. (850) 584-6666 11/2 - rtn, c. Hiring?. Send us your classified ad today!. Friday, Feburary 5, 2021 ~11. CLASSIFIEDS. The Madison Enterprise-Recorder. FOR SALE. FOR RENT. 1, 2 & 3 BR HC & non-HC accessible apts. Rental assistance may be available. HUD vouchers accepted. Call 850-948-3056. TDD/TTY 711. 192 NW Greenville Pointe Trail, Greenville, FL 32331. Equal Housing Opportunity. Farm-fresh eggs for sale. $3 dozen/ $5 for 18 Call (850) 869-0442 Leave a message or send text message RTN n/c. Newspaper Bunldes. 50-100 papers each Purchase at Greene Publishing, Inc. 1695 S SR 53 Madison FL 32340. rtn, c. .
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